You Have The Right To “clean The Slate” In Your Life

Sometimes it comes in handy, it is healthy, enriching and it even supposes a whole personal revolution. A clean slate can be the solution to some of your present problems. Something that is curious is the fact that we are so resistant to change.

Whether or not we are fully aware of it, often everything that involves leaving the comfort zone or leaving a routine, changing a habit or a certain context … we interpret it as a kind of “threat”.

In its primary need to ensure survival, the brain will always encourage us to seek comfort, and this can often include staying in the comfort zone. What he will try to do is whisper to us that “don’t do it; don’t change anything around you, you’re fine like this ”.

However, according to what has been exposed by various research teams, the brain also loves surprises and novelties because they produce a certain pleasure. Thus you benefit from that wonderful step that is going to involve receiving other stimuli that can guarantee happiness or simply pleasant emotions.

We want to invite you to reflect on the right of people to do the same: restart.

To make a clean slate you have to “clean”

Keys to mitigate anxiety.

The changes do not come precisely when we leave a certain context.

It is not necessary to pluck our roots and search for other maps and other territories to make a clean slate. The most appropriate thing is to promote change by combining new inner strengths with which to “clean” everything that we do not like, that has expired, that does not enrich and that hinders our progress.

You can start with your own home. Do a cleaning of everything that belongs to a stage that you do not like. Discard papers, clothes that you no longer use, gifts that you never liked, memories that make you uncomfortable or that take up too much space for what little they serve. Open the windows and let the wind accompany you while you do that cleaning so that a new spring enters your life.

Next comes the bravest and most important part. Think deeply about what else can be left over in your life. Maybe you should change routines, maybe you should get away from certain people and break certain bonds … Assess it calmly and think about the measures you can apply.

Appreciate the emptiness, intuit the change and focus on yourself

When you do a deep cleaning in your home, you wonder how many useless things you have accumulated and the light that radiates from every corner after having polished, after having removed dust, garbage or broken objects. This conveys a very comforting serenity.

Everything is in order now. On the one hand, you have put aside things that were no longer useful to you or no longer interested you. On the other hand, you have also distanced yourself from people who did not bring you anything positive and even from those who hurt you.

There are those who, when they reach this phase of spring cleaning in their life (“spring cleaning” in Spanish), immediately jump to meet new people. You insist on creating new relationships and embarking on a whole carousel of novel experiences. It is not the most assertive.

When we implement a “clean slate” we are promoting self-care. For this reason, it is vital that we dedicate ourselves a time of inflection.

Woman holding a bunch of flowers.

We must appreciate that emptiness achieved after cleaning, those holes in which someone used to be who is now walking on other paths. In those voids we are ourselves, and we must meet again. In addition, we must revalue loneliness and reconcile with it.

Changes on the outside make you feel different: someone stronger

If the simple fact of wanting to initiate the change is already a sign of courage, and having achieved it is a trait of that courage.

Sometimes we are not aware of it, but within us is the seed of resilience. Making it germinate requires a drop of determination, a brushstroke of integrity and a few grams of intuition to know what is best for us and what is better to avoid.

After making a clean slate, you will feel proud of yourself. That firm conviction that you have the helm of your life is something rewarding that you should enjoy.

Blur and new smiles: it’s time to redecorate your life


Happy friends chatting

New life, new smiles. The effort made will have been worth it and, although you are clear that it has taken you a lot to get to where you are now, everything you have obtained is wonderful. Now you are you in all your essence, you in all your magic.

It’s time to “decorate” your life, and here are some simple tips that will help you:

  • Decorate your life with people who appreciate you for who you are, with your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Let people who know how to give and receive happiness reach your heart.
  • Surround yourself with people who, even when they are afraid, try to find a solution for each problem and not a problem for each solution. Mature, organized, but also flexible and fun people.
  • Allow those opportunities that you always deserved and that you did not dare to reach come to you.

In short, open yourself to change, get moving and be receptive to what life wants to bring you and that pleases you, excites you and identifies you.

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