Yes, Today You Should Stop Lamenting

Regretting over and over again for a long time will never be a positive thing for you, especially when what you are regretting is something you cannot change. Remember, there are things that are in your hands and others are not. It is not possible to have everything under control.

If you turn regret into a lifestyle, you will move away from happiness and diminish your own well-being. You will live ruminating, thinking about the past that was and what could have been, without taking any advantage of it. On the contrary, you will only get more discomfort.

If you tend to complain often, it is likely that you are never satisfied with anything and that it is difficult for you to see the good in your day to day. What if you start to change that? To help you, here is a reflection and key gaps for you to take into account.

Regretting only leads to dissatisfaction

If you constantly complain, if you complain about everything, it is logical that you are never satisfied with anything. In fact, with your constant complaints you may have assumed that you can never be happy, since everything around you is negative. Shouldn’t this all start to change?

You look around and you only see darkness. You feel that you are a person full of bitterness and that you are not happy. Suddenly, you realize that you have become eternally dissatisfied and that you only function in ‘complaint mode’.

The positive has its negative part

Instead of being the other way around, you always manage to get the bad side out of all the good things that can happen to you in your life. So much so, that you are never happy with what you manage to achieve.

  • If you were wearing glasses, their lenses would not be clean, but rather a grayish haze that could not be removed.

Solutions do not exist because you are not looking for them

There is always a solution for everything. The big problem is that, if you find that solution, you will no longer have to regret! Have you ever thought of it this way?

Even if you complain about seeing yourself in this bitter situation, you want to be in it. You have a dependency on that attitude that feeds you on an emotional level. 

You deny the mistakes you make

Something else that brings more negativity to your life. Denying the mistakes you make will only plunge you into continued irresponsibility.

Not assuming mistakes prevents you from finding a solution for them. In the end you may find yourself immersed in a circle from which you are not able to get out.

Regretting won’t bring you closer to happiness

Perhaps you are not aware that you are lying to yourself all the time, seeking to find a happiness that you cannot achieve because you do not want to. With your regrets, with your complaints, you are moving further and further away from that happiness that is so difficult for some to achieve.

But this is not the worst. Constant regret is not healthy for your mental or physical health. In fact, you may be suffering from a problem of anxiety, stress or depression.

Seeing the negative in the positive is something you can change. No one else can do it for you, although you can turn to a professional for strategies to change it.

By constantly regretting, everything becomes unattainable

Also, what do you want to achieve with this constant state of complaint? You will do nothing but feel helpless, unable to achieve the dreams that you previously wanted to achieve. Now they have stayed at that, in mere dreams that are completely unattainable.

Regret can ruin your self-esteem, destroying all that strength that resides in you, but that you insist on pushing back. Enough already, don’t you think? You do not deserve that darkness that surrounds you and that prevents you from seeing the light that, in reality, predominates. It is the moment to change. Let’s go there?

Woman looking out the window with curiosity.

A hard road will always pay off

Getting out of the constant state of complaining is very difficult because, even if you don’t admit it, you must change the way you see things! This is always a tricky thing, but not impossible to achieve. Therefore, this will be the first step to stop you regretting it. Which ones will follow?

Accept everything that cannot be changed

Because in the world there are things that are beyond your reach. And waiting for them to change will only frustrate and disappoint you. So start accepting them, and open your mind to it!

Stop judging

You tend to innately judge, but if you are aware of it, you can stop! How about developing your capacity for empathy? This will help you understand others better and you will be much happier.

Say goodbye to your unrealistic expectations

Many of your complaints, surely, have a base of unrealistic expectations. It is time for you to put your feet on the ground and visualize what, in truth, you can achieve.

Do not generalize

Sometimes, that you regret so much comes from the generalization of a circumstance, a negative or unpleasant moment that you think will always occur in the same way. But this does not have to be like this!

Lastly, be positive! In your innermost self you have positivism fighting to get out once and for all to eat all that negativity that is making you bitter and sad.

Release everything good, it will change the way you see things. You will see how, suddenly, you will discover yourself being a new person.

Note: we recommend that you consult a psychologist if you think you need help to feel better. 

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