Why Do Psychologists Also Go To Therapy?

When we think that psychologists also go to therapy,  perhaps we could doubt their professionalism. If they need help, how are they going to help us? The answer is clear: they too are human.

There are certain beliefs that blur the true image of psychologists. Sometimes you can come to think that they are people who do not have problems,  who manage their emotions very well. However, these are wrong beliefs.

Psychologists usually deal every day with patients who suffer from problems such as lack of self-esteem, depression, anxiety, etc. Therefore, all this can affect them. Next we will briefly talk to you about psychologists and some prejudices about them. Keep reading!

Psychologists also go to therapy because they know it is necessary

Psychologist attending to a patient

According to the College of Psychologists of Peru, psychologists also go to therapy not only because it is their profession, but because they know the benefits it provides them. Not only on a personal level, but so that they can do their jobs much better.

As we have well mentioned, psychology professionals can be affected on an emotional level by all the patients who come to their consultation. This is nothing negative. It is a totally natural consequence. However, psychologists are aware that they need to refine their own emotions.

Psychologists are usually very empathetic and this, in addition to having many advantages, also has consequences. This is one of them. Therefore, the fact that psychologists also go to therapy is not something that should cause us to hesitate to go to them.

Likewise, the College of Psychologists of Peru states that this  allows them to be well to develop their work correctly. In addition, it helps them to live the experience of attending a psychologist. In fact, it is something that will be very enriching for you as a professional.

Taking care of emotional well-being is important

What happens when we are not emotionally well? It is possible that we do not want to listen to others or even that we do not know how to react appropriately.

All this a psychologist could not afford. She knows that, among other things, her work tries to  help people, provide them with tools that ensure improvement, an increase in their self-esteem and security, a better concept of themselves.

If they are not understanding and empathetic, if they are not emotionally well, they will not be able to carry out their work in the proper way. That is why psychologists also go to therapy. In addition, as the specialist Correa Martínez affirms, going to therapy  ensures a more positive attitude and greater enjoyment of the work they are doing.

Even if you have a very pessimistic friend or someone around you who is always sad, you may have felt that at times, that feeling rubbed off on you. Well, the same thing usually happens to psychologists.

The prejudice of going to therapy

Also, according to studies, the fact that we view with reluctance that psychologists also go to therapy reveals a prejudice regarding this that is still present. This is because many people believe that going to psychological therapy is something only for people who have mental problems.

However, this is not the case. In fact, all of us tend to have problems, although many of them may be minor. However, going to a specialist could help us significantly.

Fine-tuning our mental health is something that should be a priority.

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