What The Color Of Your Tongue Says About Your Health

Although we do not usually pay attention to it, the color of our tongue can indicate many aspects of our health and warn us of the presence of bacteria or digestive problems.

Our body constantly sends us signals. Although we do not always know how to interpret them, the truth is that, if we pay some attention, we can end up knowing more about our state of health. Among these signals, those that the tongue sends us through its color to talk about our well-being stand out.

On the other hand, the tongue seems to be the great forgotten when we talk about oral hygiene. Sometimes we brush our teeth and we do not know that the tongue also requires cleaning, since different types of bacteria live in the mouth.

What does the color of the tongue say about our health?

Yellow tongue.

Yellow tongue

Yellow tongue may be due to a harmless and temporary problem. Rarely, it can be a sign of liver or gallbladder problems.

White tongue

If you notice that your tongue is white with a thick coating then it is a sign that something is happening. It is usually a symptom of a physiological weakness that affects the whole body and is usually linked to infections. It may be that there is an overbreeding of candida albicans.

Irregular tongue

If you see that your tongue has an irregular shape and that it is not flat, you may have a health problem. It is associated with exhaustion.

Cracked tongue

What the tongue says about your health.

If you notice that your tongue is cracked, you may have some dehydration, since it is a clear symptom of people with low humidity levels, as well as excess heat in the body.

Often times, women who are going through menopause have this texture on the tongue.

  • To treat this effectively, it is best to avoid dehydrating foods, such as coffee and alcohol.
  • In turn, we must try to drink a lot of water to provide correct hydration to the body.

Intense red tongue

If your tongue is bright red, you may have a lack of B12 vitamins or folic acid. To be sure, you can always resort to doing an analysis.

In any case, it is something that you can stop if you increase the consumption of green vegetables.

Wavy edges

If you notice that your tongue has a wavy edge and it appears to be swollen, with small waves around it, see your doctor because it could be a symptom of a thyroid disorder.

Do not stop asking a specialist for help if, in addition, you have fatigue, hair loss and have low blood pressure. Also if your skin has frequent bruising.

Brown or almost black

If your tongue is brown or almost black, this is a sign of poor oral hygiene. However, it also occurs in cases of people with diabetes or as a reaction when taking some type of antibiotic.

  • Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments may also have this symptom.
  • To try to stop it, it will be enough, in most cases, to brush regularly: this will prevent the growth of bacteria.

Other aspects that you should take into account

Disinfect-the-tongueBeyond color, there are other aspects, such as the texture of the tongue itself, which can also be decisive when it comes to indicating deficiencies or health problems.

  • For example, if the tongue has a lack of texture then we will most likely be facing an iron deficiency or anemia.
  • In addition, in the event that we observe that there is a clear presence of spots on the tongue, you may be a person prone to allergies and do not know it.
  • Along the same lines, if you notice that you have pimples on your tongue, you may be having an excessive consumption of proteins, fats or sugars.

    On the other hand, if what you have is a dry tongue, it may be that stress is taking its toll (which generates poor salivation) or that you have too much mucus in your body.

    If you notice that your tongue is inflamed, you may have some type of chronic gastritis, heartburn, colitis or constipation.

    • On the other hand, if you have a dry and cut tongue, it may indicate that you suffer from diarrhea, diabetes or anemia.
    • If you also notice that your taste buds are completely flat instead of having their usual texture, it may be that you also have some type of disorder at the level of the intestine.

    In any case, the best thing is that you put yourself in the hands of specialists.

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