What Is Electromagnetic Radiation And How Does It Affect Us?

Technology has literally revolutionized human life. And it is that it is not only novel devices, but the radiation around us increases every time.

Most of the studies have focused on the consequences of ionizing radiation, leaving aside non-ionizing radiation.   Electromagnetic radiation is any process in which energy is emitted, in the form of waves and material particles in space.

To differentiate them, their frequency has to be taken into account: the larger, the greater their energy. Waves are vibrations that travel in a vacuum at the speed of light and practically out of reach of human sight.

There are radiation that is harmless to living beings. They are the so-called non-ionizing.  They do not represent any danger because the atomic bonds do not break and they hold the molecules together. They are electromagnetic waves.

We are generally exposed to AM and FM radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, waves, and ultraviolet radiation.   At the opposite extreme, we find ionizing radiation in which atoms are broken and cells are ionized, causing irreversible damage to the person and even death.

These radiations arise in the disintegration of the unstable atoms of radioactive substances (for example, uranium).    They are basically 3 types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma.

  • Alpha (α): they are not very penetrating and can pass through a sheet of paper.  This is extremely harmful because it means that, once they permeate a site, they will contaminate any food or drink that is nearby. Just touching or eating any of these foods breaks the molecules.
  • Beta (β): It is much more penetrating than alpha and can pass through an aluminum layer. However, it is less dangerous.
  • Gamma (γ): they are very penetrating and of nuclear origin, so thick blocks such as concrete are needed to can happen.

Damaging effects

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Electromagnetic radiation causes biological effects in humans but they are not necessarily harmful.   For example, when you listen to music, dance or read a book there is a biological change that does not affect the body, as it has the ability to compensate for the effect.

However, when the body is exposed to electromagnetic waves and the biological effect goes outside the normal range, it affects health.  According to the scientific report on the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human endocrine system and associated pathologies, there have been cases of:

  • Sclerosis.
  • Memory loss.
  • Reduction of red blood cells in the blood.
  • Brain cancer, c breast cancer, leukemia, etc.
  • Cardiopulmonary disorders: tachycardia and blood pressure.

Likewise, other disorders that can be considered mild may also occur, such as:

  • Fatigue.
  • Hypertension.
  • Joint pain
  • Dermatitis and skin disorders.
  • Developmental problems in children.
  • Vision problems: cataracts and loss of sight.
  • Reproductive problems: alteration of the menstrual cycle, abortions, infertility.
  • Neurological disorders: mental confusion, irritability, headache, and insomnia.

Effects on pregnancy

According to WHO reports, to date there is no solid evidence on the relationship between exposure to electromagnetic fields and risks specific to pregnancy such as spontaneous abortions, malformations, low birth weight and congenital diseases.

Despite this, there have been occasional records in which a certain relationship is suggested between health problems in pregnant women and presumed exposure to electromagnetic fields. To be more precise, there have been cases of premature birth and low birth weight in the babies of workers in these types of environments.

How to reduce electromagnetic radiation?

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Although large companies do not accept that household appliances, telephones or computers affect health, studies are being analyzed in which the consequences take 10 or 20 years to appear. 

It is practically impossible to eliminate exposure to electromagnetic radiation, but it can be reduced with some indications:

  • Avoid using electric blankets.
  • Turn off  bluetooth  if you don’t need it.
  • Avoid indoors with air conditioning.
  • Turn off and unplug unused appliances.
  • Stay away from the TV, as it generates waves around it.
  • Reduce the use of cell phones  especially in children under 14 years of age.
  • As for desk lamps, it  is important that they have incandescent bulbs.
  • When you heat something in the microwave, stay away until the process is finished.
  • If you use a heater or fan, put it at least one meter away from the beds.
  • If possible, do not put the washer or dryer near the room, as the radiation passes the wall.
  • It is advisable to charge the device and then disconnect. If it needs to be plugged in, keep the plug away from your body.
  • The people most prone to the effects of radiation are children, pregnant women and the elderly.

In short, human beings are exposed to millions of good and bad radiation. However, the only thing we can do is try to reduce them by following the recommendations set out in the article.

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