What Are The Most Dangerous Drugs In The World?

Drug use and abuse is a reality that continues to affect the health of thousands of people. This time we review the most dangerous drugs in the world.

Drugs are a difficult subject that is not without controversy.  From the policies imposed by some states, to the alarming impact that these substances have on multiple aspects of society.

It is necessary to define what drugs are and how they are understood by the people who consume them. Remember that, according to each individual, the predilection for one type or another varies, including by gender, as stated in a study by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.

It must be remembered that  a drug is any narcotic whose origin is both natural, synthetic or mixed ingredients, which directly or indirectly affects the perception, assimilation and biological, chemical and neurological interaction of the individual who is under its effects.

The most dangerous drugs in the world


smoking- harmful drugs

We have to stop a bit on this line. Although the consumption, manufacture and distribution of this drug is widely known by almost everyone, it is necessary that you understand that it does not stop being a narcotic.  Even if it is considered to belong to the classification of legal drugs.

The relationship between various types of cancer and tobacco use is a proven fact. You must understand that this natural narcotic is the raw material of the controversial and millionaire cigarette industry, along with other chemicals that are added with a very high toxic and harmful content for health.

Pathologies derived from tobacco consumption

  • Lung cancer.
  • Chronic pneumonia
  • Pulmonary ephysema.
  • Diseases of the bronchi.
  • Impaired airways (mouth, tongue, larynx, throat, esophagus, etc.)


Yes, we know that you have probably seen that famous series where a talented chemist and his unconditional assistant are the protagonists and pioneers in the manufacture of an exceptional methamphetamine. Now, do you know what this is about?

Methamphetamines are highly addictive and are very popular in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Europe. In general, they are known for their crystal-like appearance, although there are powder and pill forms. This has a great impact on the neurochemical system of the body, since it creates dependency immediately.

Consequences of the use of this drug

  • Irritability.
  • Increase and development of paranoid episodes.
  • Significant increase in serious infections when administered with shared syringes (usual habit in consumers).
  • Hallucinations (of moderate or intense intensity depending on the quantity supplied).


Absorption of alcohol

Alcohol is another drug that is socially accepted and treated as “natural”  and even “healthy” in many countries. However, the effects derived from alcohol consumption are frankly dangerous in the quality of health.

Alcoholism is the best known consequence of the practice and repeated use of this ethyl compound. It is a critical social, family and medical scourge. The health effects of excessive consumption can be very traumatic and irreparable.

Pathologies derived from excessive alcohol consumption

  • Cirrhosis.
  • Hepatitis A and B.
  • Severe chronic gastritis (appearance of varicose ulcers).
  • On occasions, and depending on the sanitary conditions, scurvy has been reported with the ingestion of alcohol.


When it comes to the world of drugs, cocaine has an outstanding use. Several countries in South America have been known for the manufacture and export of this product derived from the alkaloid of the coca leaf.  This drug has a striking demand in the north of the continent: Mexico and the United States.

You have to take into account the consequences that cocaine use leaves on the body. The presentation of this narcotic is very varied: powder, pill and liquid.

What happens in the body when consuming it?

  • Sharpening of the senses when faced with hypersensitivity.
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Agitation of body movements and pronounced excitement.
  • Sudden increase in stress and paranoia levels .
  • Release of exaggerated amounts of dopamine, in response to the stimulus of the chemicals that make up cocaine.



Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. Known for its powerful sedative effect, it has caused deaths on multiple occasions due to ignorance of the amounts supplied. Remember, there is no safe measure for the use of this opiate.

The best-known world crop is in Asia, specifically in Afghanistan, which has the highest harvest levels of the raw material for this drug: the poppy leaf. Even in China and Taiwan, the consumption of derivatives of this drug is used on all kinds of occasions.

With regard to the repercussions that the supply of heroin leaves on the body, they translate into serious consequences and in many cases fatal, due to the high addictive and toxic index for the body that this narcotic possesses.

What happens when heroin is used in the body?

  • Pupil dilation.
  • Sudden decrease in breathing and heart rate due to ecstasy.
  • Almost instantaneous catatonic state.
  • Dilation of the sphincters.

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