Types Of Burns According To Their Origin

A burn is defined as an injury to the skin or other tissues of the body, caused by physical agents, such as chemicals, radiation, or electricity. The types of burns can be classified according to their depth, their severity or the agents that have caused them.

Commonly, we usually distinguish three types of burns, first gravel (mild), second degree (moderate) and third degree (severe).

Types of burns, according to their origin

Electrical burns

Electromagnetic pollution

Electric current can cause burns and internal injuries as it travels through the interior of the body. These burns are caused by coming into contact with an electrical current, either direct or alternating. Those produced by alternating current, which is the one used in the domestic environment, are more common.

The injuries produced by this type of burn have special characteristics and are always serious. Especially because the damage is often not seen with the naked eye. This is because, although the skin seems to present a normal appearance, it can hide injuries at the muscular level.

The severity of this type of burns will depend on the characteristics of the electrical current, such as:

  • The intensity.
  • The path of the current.
  • The resistance of the fabrics.
  • The area and time of contact with the current.
  • The type of current: alternating (low voltage) or direct (high voltage and industrial use).

Chemical burns

This type of burns occur when in contact, physical or by ingestion, with irritating substances of the caustic, acidic or alkaline type.

When touching the skin these chemicals can react in different ways. If they are ingested the injury can take place in the internal organs.

Most chemical burns occur from contact with acids and bases, and are called caustic burns. These types of chemicals cause severe burns.

The most common products that cause this type of burns are:

  • Battery acid for automobiles.
  • The products that are used in the chlorination of swimming pools.
  • Cleaning products such as bleach or ammonia.

Radiation burns

Radiation burns are also very common and are those that show up after coming into contact with radiation, such as ultraviolet rays or X-rays.

Soothe sunburn

Damage to tissues is due to exposure to ionizing radiation.

When exposure to ionizing radiation occurs in large doses, it can increase the risk of cancer. In addition, it can cause damage to the digestive tract, decrease the number of blood cells, damage the skin, heart and brain, among other organs.

Some examples of this type of burns are burns from:

  • Medical imaging.
  • Solar overexposure.
  • X-ray overexposure.
  • Use of tanning beds.
  • Chemotherapy treatment.

The most dangerous aspect of radiation burns is that their effects may not show up right away.

If you suspect that you are suffering from radiation burns, it is recommended to contact your doctor immediately.

Thermal burns

Thermal burns are those that occur when in contact with any external source of heat that can increase the temperature of the skin, such as boiling liquids, hot metals, fire and steam.

These types of burns are the most common and partially or totally char the cells, which increases the chances of the individual dying.

Sunburn with blister

The heat source can be wet or dry. In the case of being dry, the most frequent is that the burn is produced by flames, stoves, embers, gas explosions and hot metals.

If the heat source is humid, it is most often due to high temperature liquids such as water or oil. In addition, inhalation of vapors can burn exposed surfaces, as well as the respiratory tract, nose, throat, and bronchial tubes.

The severity of these injuries will depend on:

  • The exposure time.
  • The area of ​​the body affected.
  • The temperature of the external heat source.


Although the application of aloe vera to relieve burns has become popular, its use is not recommended, as it can cause irritation and worsen inflammation.

To treat burns, the most appropriate thing is to apply basic first aid measures and go to the doctor as soon as possible to receive adequate treatment. 

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