Treatments To Detoxify The Skin Of Your Face Naturally

In addition to taking advantage of the properties of some natural ingredients, to detoxify the skin we must also make changes in our diet to purify it from the inside.

Currently there are many treatments to detoxify the skin of the face. Having a smooth and smooth complexion is a desire that is often hampered by attacks from the environment. Therefore, here we will teach you different procedures to detoxify the skin.

One of the most aggressive factors for the skin is the UV rays of the sun, in addition to the innumerable free radicals that are generated by environmental pollution. This results in premature aging, dryness, oiliness, and enlarged pores. Therefore, starting a detoxification process and eliminating impurities is essential.

6 tips to detoxify facial skin

1. Deep cleans

The cleansing process should always begin with a facial cleansing. Try to accompany it with a massage: this will stimulate circulation and relax.

Cleaning will close the pores of your skin, which, when dilated, accept foreign particles that cause spots and acne. 

Once a week you should perform a facial exfoliation that will remove dirt and dead cells more effectively.

2. The cleansing ritual, always in the morning and at night 

It is about cleaning your face becoming a habit. To keep the skin in good condition, you must take care of cleaning it both in the morning (to remove the dirt that is generated at night) and at night (to remove the dirt that is generated during the day).

It is important that you evaluate your skin type so that you know which products to choose:

  • If the skin on your face is dry, you can choose an oil for the morning (that is not too dense) and a foam product for the night.
  • If you have oily skin, use water-based gels and those that control sebum production.

3. Steam is a great ally

Exposing the skin of your face to steam will allow the products you use in facial cleansing to penetrate the pores more easily.

What you should do is boil water and place your face on the container, so that it receives the steam that is produced (and being careful not to burn yourself). To be most effective, put a towel over your head so that the heat doesn’t escape.

4. The mud is ideal to make a good mask

The mud mask will allow you to extract more impurities that are located in the upper layers of the skin.

You just have to mix the powders with warm water until you get a homogeneous paste. Thus, apply the mask every two days for best results.

5. Did you know that there are liquids that dehydrate you?

While water will hydrate you and help you eliminate impurities from the body naturally, others such as alcohol, coffee or sugary drinks generate dehydration.

6. A healthy and balanced diet is everything

Assorted vegetables.

You can start different treatments but if the foods you eat are high in fat, fried and sugar, nothing will work.

If you do not consume them, introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet, or increase their dose. This group of nutrients is essential to detoxify the skin.

4 treatments to detoxify the skin

Woman wiping her face with a cotton pad.

Caring for your skin has become a global business. In the market you can get different treatments and aesthetic products.

However, it will always be better to opt for the homemade and natural methods. Not only will you save money, you will also avoid chemicals that are unhealthy.

Detoxifying the skin of your face naturally is cheap and easy. We show you 4 different ways to do it. Take aim!

1. Exfoliate with sugar and honey

The combination of both will generate a mixture that will serve as an exfoliator and that will allow you to tone the skin. You will eliminate dead cells, hydrate and protect the skin from harmful molecules.


  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

What should you do?

  1. Mix both ingredients in a small bowl until you get a homogeneous substance
  2. Apply to the skin of your face with circular movements
  3. Leave it on your face for about 10 minutes and remove with cold water

You can use this scrub twice a week

2. Aloe vera, egg and honey

Aloe vera or aloe is by itself the quintessential moisturizer. Its medicinal properties are many, and if you use it to take care of your skin you will make it act as an exfoliator and purifier.

If at the same time you combine it with an egg and honey, you will make a cream that will allow you to achieve a renewed face.


  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 g)

What should you do?

  1. Add the ingredients in the blender glass and mix until you get a creamy substance
  2. Spread the paste on the face and also cover the neck and décolleté area
  3. Let it act for 20 minutes and remove with cold water

You can repeat it up to three times a week.

3. Grape and olive oil mask

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, grapes can be a great ally of our dermis.

Ingredients and step by step

  • 6 grapes
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml)

You just have to process both ingredients in the blender and, after obtaining a homogeneous mixture, apply it on the face. Let it act for 10 minutes and remove with plenty of warm water.

4. Melon with pineapple

The last of the facial treatments that we offer you has purifying and toning properties that will help you achieve a firmer and more radiant face.

Ingredients and step by step

  • 1 slice of melon
  • 1 slice of pineapple

Blend both ingredients and apply the resulting paste on your face. Leave on for a few minutes before removing with fresh water.

As you can see, there are many treatments that you can take advantage of to detoxify the skin naturally. Choose the one you like the most and start the challenge for healthier skin.

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