Tips To Whet Your Appetite

Loss of appetite is a situation in which people have little or no desire to eat. At first it can be downplayed, since it can obey certain situations that the person goes through. However, if it lasts for a couple of days or more, it can cause weight loss and malnutrition. How to whet your appetite?

Addressing the decrease in appetite in a timely manner is decisive to avoid health complications. Often, those who have this problem have prolonged fatigue, concentration problems and other symptoms that make day-to-day life difficult. Next we will review some keys to face it.

How to whet your appetite? 4 keys that help you

Loss of appetite is related to different internal and external factors. It often occurs in children and older adults. The latter have been investigated, as cases are increasing.

According to a recent study published in Nursing Older People , poor appetite has become a common problem in older adults in nursing homes and hospitals. This situation is related to changes inherent to aging, hormonal alterations, diseases and mood problems.

Most worryingly, decreased appetite contributes to dramatic weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, and increased disease. Therefore, whatever the situation or population, it must be treated as soon as possible.

Although it is essential to go to the doctor and nutritionist for support, a series of recommendations can also be put into practice that help to whet the appetite. Discover them!

1. Eat a good breakfast to whet your appetite

Studies on the effects of breakfast on the body have shown controversial results. While some suggest that it promotes a feeling of fullness during the day, others associate it with a slight increase in feelings of hunger.

For example, research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determined that breakfast helps increase the body’s thermogenesis effect, increasing energy expenditure. This, in turn, results in some in increased appetite or increased dietary energy intake.

Now, it is essential to keep in mind that the most important thing is to make good food choices for this first meal of the day. Some recommended foods are:

  • Whole grains
  • Lean meats
  • Plain yogurt and low-fat dairy
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit

Healthy breakfasts

2. Include spices in dishes

There are several reasons to incorporate spices into your regular diet. First of all, they have properties that help reduce the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, improving appetite. On the other hand, they add smell and flavor to the preparations, making them more attractive.

According to a publication in the International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders , foods that have a pleasant smell and taste can trigger appetite. For this reason, they can be added in preparations when you want to whet your appetite.

3. Exercise

As a study published in the medical journal Obesity Reviews highlights , physical exercise can help whet your appetite by triggering the need to regain calories burned. However, this response can vary in each individual since, on the contrary, others experience satiety.

Despite this, a small study published in the British Journal of Nutrition , observed that physical exercise regulates appetite and increases energy intake by up to 30%. However, this occurs several days after starting physical activity.

Running woman

4. Don’t eat alone

Although it may seem unimportant, eating in company can be a good strategy to whet your appetite. Enjoying meals in the company of friends, family, or co-workers produces more pleasure with food.

Even a small study published in Physiology & Behavior found that eating with friends can increase food intake by 18%. Likewise, it determined that eating while watching television can increase it by up to 14%. 


Even if the appetite is reduced, it is important to maintain a healthy diet based on natural ingredients. Whenever possible, you should consume plenty of water and fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is convenient to eat several meals a day. If you have doubts, consult your nutritionist.

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