Tips To Start Exercising Intelligently

Both to prevent injuries and to avoid the appearance of stiffness, it is essential that we stretch before and after training. Thus, we will gain elasticity and reduce the risk of suffering contractures.

Sure, many times you have wanted to start exercising seriously, but until now you have not really proposed. However, since you are going to make an effort to be better, we recommend that you read this article first.

With these keys, you will get the most out of the exercise you do. In addition, from the first days you will notice the great benefits that physical activity brings you.

It is advisable to start exercising gradually

We not only want to start exercising, but we will also seek to maintain that willpower for the long term. To do this, we must not be radical, since, if not, we will risk the same thing happening to us as with diets: that we get tired and have a rebound effect.

Start small and don’t set yourself overly ambitious goals. Increase the time and intensity as the weeks go by. And don’t forget to reward yourself in a healthy way every time you pass a stage. A good idea is to make a calendar and mark a real evolution of the exercise you want to do.

That is not a suffering

Woman doing sports

Exercise has to be an effort, but it shouldn’t be a pain. Positive and satisfying orders must reach the brain, and not negative thoughts.

For this reason, it is very important that you choose, as far as possible, exercises that you like or that give you positive emotions. There are those who do it by joining classes they like or with friends, putting on music (studies have shown certain benefits for reducing fatigue) doing sports outdoors.

Before you start exercising, don’t forget to stretch

The most overlooked part of exercise is often the stretching. We should always do them before and after doing sports; Studies have shown that it helps reduce the risk of some (but not all) injuries and prevent post-exercise muscle aches.

When we exercise, we put an effort on the body that contracts it. In order for us to really get results, we should stretch to prevent injury and gain elasticity. In this way, we will not only waste energy, but our posture will improve and contractures will disappear.

Drink water

Woman drinking water before starting sports

Water doesn’t just quench our thirst. If we sweat and don’t drink enough, we run the risk of becoming dehydrated and demineralized. This will mainly result in a lack of energy, among other consequences.

Always carry the bottle with you. You can even prepare your isotonic drink, adding lemon juice, a pinch of sea salt and honey.

Be mindful of breathing

When we make important efforts, we often forget the most important thing, which is precisely the breath. If we do not breathe properly we will get fatigued, it will cost us much more and we will not recover as quickly.

As the exercise becomes more intense, always remember to breathe in and breathe out following the movement. Research confirms the relationship between breath control and athletic performance.

Watch out for bad postures

When we make efforts, we also tend to focus our attention only on one part of the body, and we forget the rest. If we have a good monitor or trainer, he will be in charge of correcting us or reminding us of the proper posture for that exercise.

If at the end of the exercise we are tired or, later, we have soreness, that is completely normal. What is not so normal is that we have specific pain or even contractures.

Do not rule out massages


The first weeks, your body will gradually adapt to the new rhythm and, surely, you will have discomfort or you will feel very tired. You can reward the effort with a massage session (it helps alleviate pain, according to studies); physiotherapy; osteopathy, etc. Find a good professional and let your body learn to relax too.

Eat protein

Protein is essential in our diet, but if we are also going to start exercising, we should especially take it into account. It will help you tone and muscle more easily, as stated in this research.

Not only do we get protein from meat, but there are also plant proteins. Do not miss some of the following products in your daily diet :

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Milk or dairy derivatives
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Mushrooms
  • Spirulina
  • Integral cereal

Arnica to recover

Arnica is said to be a good remedy for athletes, but the reality is that many of its effects are not such. It is said that this flower could help prevent and treat injuries and to help us before and after exertion, but there is no evidence in this regard. A traditional homeopathic remedy is to apply arnica cream  on overworked or sore areas.

In addition to all of the above, we reiterate the advice to always put yourself in the hands of professionals. This applies to both exercise planning and diet choices and post-exertional recovery treatments.

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