Tips To Overcome Shyness

To overcome shyness it is essential that we be aware that we are fallible beings and that there is no problem in making mistakes. The simple fact of raising the head will give us security.

People who prefer not to speak in public or who hide behind jobs that do not require contact with people can suffer greatly because of their personality. Therefore, overcoming shyness is essential for them.

This trait begins in childhood and continues into adulthood, but thanks to certain changes in habits we can overcome shyness. It is hard work but it is worth it.

How to overcome shyness?

Unlike introverts (who prefer solo activities), shy people have an irrational fear of being rejected or judged by other people.

This causes frustration and anxiety.

The good news is that you can work to overcome shyness and all the feelings that come with it. If you cannot relate to those around you and it is very difficult for you to speak to strangers, pay attention to these tips.

1. Accept your emotions

Woman accepting her emotions

As a first step, it is essential that you know yourself and know what your reactions are to different situations.

In Western culture we have been taught that emotions must be hidden or changed. However, the healthiest thing we can do is accept them.

Change the internal dialogue: from negative messages go to positive messages. Try modifying your behaviors once you learn about your emotions.

If you accept that you can fail, you will feel more confident. That is, know your shyness and act in spite of it.

2. Determine the source of the problem

Although it is true that many people are born shy, the truth is that some of them maintain this trait of their personality when they grow up because they have not known how to stop it in time.

For this it is very important that you identify the origins of your shyness.

In which situation do you feel most self-conscious? When does someone compliment you, when do you have to speak in public, when are you in a place where you don’t know anyone, when do they tell you that you are shy?

Not all situations are likely to make you shy, so work through the most stressful ones.

3. Get out of self-absorption

shy boy

One of the inherent characteristics of shyness is introversion. People with this condition believe that they have nothing interesting to say or incredible to tell.

They try by all means not to be the center of attention at parties and gatherings.

To overcome shyness you must put aside the phrase “I can not” and focus on what is happening around you.

  • If you are embarrassed to speak, ask a question to get others to interact.
  • Start the chat with a current or event-related topic. Don’t forget that a lot of people love to talk about themselves.

4. Don’t be afraid to be wrong

The constant self-criticism to which the shy are usually subjected is based on their expectations.

This means that they expect their jokes to be the funniest, their stories to be the most shocking, or their comments to be the most appropriate.

Of course, these claims are not easy to fulfill in all cases.

Allow yourself to be wrong! This is a tip that everyone can put into practice. In this way you will release tensions and put aside those desire for perfection that dominate you.

You don’t have to be “the life of the party” to be proud of yourself.

5. Recognize the signs

Couple with bag over head

The trigger for you to feel self-conscious in front of others is easy to recognize when we pay attention to the signals that the body gives us.

For example, you may perspire more, feel heat on your cheeks, shortness of breath, have rapid heartbeats, etc. When this happens, stop everything you are doing and try to calm yourself down.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and slowly count to 10. You will see how little by little you will calm down and the shyness will subside.

6. Get ready

If you know you have a meeting, a party or an event that you cannot miss, do your homework. Impromptu talks can create anxiety, fear and, of course, shyness.

Therefore, we recommend that you make a list of topics or questions that may come up in the conversations. If you are prepared or have what to say, you may feel less insecure.

Nor is it a matter of talking like a robot or reading sentences from a notebook but of having a slight idea of ​​what you can say.

7. Change your posture

overcome shyness

Sometimes to overcome shyness it only takes a small modification in our body.

There are what are known as “positions of power” that take away our shame and make us feel more confident.

  • Raise your head, bring your shoulders back and rest your hands on the belt (or nearby area). This will give you an authoritative and confident image towards others (and, of course, it will reflect on your confidence).

8. Remember your abilities

Believe it or not, you have many skills that are worth highlighting. In the moments when shyness overwhelms you, take the opportunity to make a list of all the fantastic characteristics that your personality has.

You are better than you think. Being shy is just a little problem.

Do not forget that it is always better to recognize that you are shy and not try to hide it. Avoid suffering and distressing situations.

It is not a bad thing to accept a mistake or lack of skill for certain tasks. The inadmissible thing is to do nothing about it.

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