Tips To Get Shinier Hair

Most women want to have shinier hair. However, constant exposure to the sun, chemicals in cosmetic products, and pollution can make it difficult. Although there are treatments that help improve it, not all of them achieve the desired effects.

On the other hand, you will find many products on the market that promise to help make hair more shiny. But if you want to know how to achieve it with homemade ingredients, in this article we will give you some tips that, to a large extent, are believed to help achieve the desired shine and softness. Do you put them into practice?

Brighter hair: what we lack in the diet

To keep hair shinier, we must know that it needs to obtain essential fatty acids internally. Fat is only deposited in some areas of our body when it comes from poor quality food or when we consume it in excess and do not spend it.

For this reason, we recommend reducing your intake of harmful fats and increasing your intake of beneficial fats. Let’s review what they are.

Fats to avoid:

  • Red and processed meats.
  • Inlay.
  • Cheeses, creams, creams, ice creams and other high-fat dairy derivatives.
  • Fried foods, especially with low-quality oils and at high temperatures.
  • Trans fats, present in foods such as margarine, industrial pastries and precooked food.
  • Refined vegetable oils, which have not been cold pressed.

Fats that we must consume in our daily diet:

  • Blue fish, preferably small (sardines, mackerel, bonito, etc.).
  • Avocado.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Cold pressed olive, coconut, sesame, wheat germ and flax oils.
  • Organic egg yolk.

The amounts of fat we must consume in a moderate way at each meal, trying to take them with proportionate amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

What we lack in the diet

Natural remedies for shinier hair

Natural remedies for shinier hair are based on ingredients packed with nutrients. Their advantage is that they do not contain harsh chemicals. In addition, they can be applied regularly to maintain results. Of course, if you have a scalp problem, it is best to consult your application with a dermatologist.

Vinegar conditioner

After washing your hair, the use of apple cider vinegar to rinse the hair has spread. Our grandmothers already used it to give it shine, silkiness and vigor. It is simple, inexpensive and, once dry, does not leave a trace of smell. However, more research is needed to prove the supposed beneficial effect of vinegar on hair.

  • You should mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts water. Let it act for a minute and rinse it with water. If the smell bothers you a lot, you can add two drops of your favorite essential oil.

Egg mask

Although egg is another ingredient widely used in the preparation of homemade hair masks, its proteins may not be as easy to penetrate the hair fiber. In addition, there are not enough studies to ensure that the egg mask will help us achieve soft and hydrated hair.

If you still want to try it, these are the steps you should follow:

  • We need an egg yolk (or two if we have a lot of hair or it is quite long), so we will separate it from the white and beat well.
  • We will avoid applying it to the roots and cover our heads with transparent kitchen paper.
  • We will let it act for at least half an hour and then we will wash our hair normally.
  • If we have very dry and damaged hair we can add 3 drops of coconut or olive oil to the egg yolk.

Egg mask

Argan serum

Once we have washed our hair, when we have it wet and we are ready to dry it, it is the right time to apply a totally natural serum that provides the shine we need without making it greasy. For this we can use three drops of argan oil. We will not use more, as it could give a dirty effect.

  • We will put the drops in the palm of the hand, we will rub them and distribute the product throughout the hair, avoiding the roots.
  • Then we can dry our hair to observe the desired effect.

Argan serum

Brush it every day

Years ago it was said that women had to brush their hair every night. This advice is valid for those who have straight or wavy hair, since in the case of curling it could make it lose its shape.

This tip allows us to naturally balance the sebaceous production of the scalp, since it drags the excess fat that forms at the roots and allows it to reach the ends, which are the part that dries the most and damages. This allows the hair to shine more as we brush.

It is also very beneficial because it stimulates the blood circulation of the head and, in addition, it has relaxing effects. We will need a natural bristle brush and we can brush between 30 and 50 times each night before going to bed.

However, we should not abuse, because according to some data, excessive brushing could cause hair loss.

Ready to get shinier hair? As you can see, you simply have to take into account some natural care and remedies. Follow the recommendations and start showing off a healthier and stronger mane.

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