The First Months Of Life: The Development Of Bones

Find out what the development of your baby’s bones is like and the foods and exercises that will support his skeletal system.

Good bone care during the first months of life is essential for a child’s proper development . In addition, motor problems are avoided during the growth of the child.

After birth, the baby develops his motor skills. From lifting your head to opening and closing your hands, you need healthy, strong bones to support your physical well-being.

Development of bones during the first months of life

Growth of the baby's bones.


During the first months of life  the baby has 270 bones . However, as an adult, this number drops to 206 bones. The humerus and femur, along with other long bones in the body, form the structure of the skeleton, for this reason, they are one of the most important.

Between the two ends of the bone  there is a cartilage called the “growth plate.” As it lengthens, bone tissue is formed at these ends and it grows.

Bone development is regulated by growth hormone . It is produced in the brain by a gland called the pituitary. On the other hand, those responsible for closing the growth plate are sex hormones, called estrogens and androgens.

How long does it take for the whole skeleton to form?

The body is renewed and, along with it, the cells of the bones. That is why they do not stop constantly rebuilding themselves from the first months of life.

The bones will continue to grow throughout life. For this reason, the care of the skeleton from the first months of the baby’s life is extremely important.

Good care will give the little ones a better ability to develop and avoid possible fractures while they learn to walk or even play.

Foods to be eaten in the first months of the baby’s life

Bones are not the only ones that need calcium. In the first months of life, your baby needs this nutritional support for its metabolic development. In both pregnancy and breastfeeding, the feeding of the baby is totally dependent on the mother.

Likewise, calcium is closely related to vitamin D, since it is essential for its absorption (that of calcium) and bone fixation, as indicated by this research published in the journal NutriciĆ³n Hospitalaria .

In this sense, there are many foods that provide a large amount of calcium for the mother, and in turn, for the child. And all this is evidenced in this guide for parents provided by the NIH Osteporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center .

The yogurt

Yogurt is perfect to provide the amount of calcium that is needed in the day.  It does not matter if it is natural whole or skimmed, since the only thing that varies is the amount of fat.


They are healthy fats that help lower cholesterol and also contain Omega-3 fatty acids. This turns them into foods that help improve cardiovascular health. But not only that, but they also have a large amount of calcium.

Fresh cheese

Cheese, being a dairy derivative, contains a lot of calcium. In turn, it can substitute for milk, in case the smell of it causes nausea.


Salted fish is a very healthy fish that  contains Omega-3 and is a good source of protein and calcium .

Exercises that strengthen bones

Bone development in the first months of life

Regular physical activity provides incredible benefits for the body. When jumping, running, or lifting a weight, the bones are put under stress. This sends a signal to the body that it is important to strengthen them and new cells are added.

In the first months of the baby’s life,  you have to let him move and help him develop his motor skills , as evidenced by this study published in the International journal of sport and health science . Lay him on the bed and gently stretch his legs, open his hands and lift his arms. This will help your bones to gradually stretch.

Once he grows up , it is important to let him run, jump and play, as it is not only a way for the child to release all his energy, but it also benefits his health in general.

The development of the child during the first months of life

In short, from the first months of life  , calcium is a vital nutrient for the baby’s bone development. It is at this time when the mother’s good nutrition, during and after pregnancy, plays an essential role for optimal growth.

Likewise, physical activity is also essential for the bones and muscles to gain resistance. Exercise helps keep the body in good condition and helps better growth and proper development of bones.

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