The 8 Best Natural Antiseptics For Your Skin

Our skin is the largest organ we have and it is the one that is most exposed to a large number of factors that can alter, infect or cause different problems. Today, there are many treatments that guarantee healthy, smooth and infection-free skin. However, we offer you in this post a natural alternative. Here we show you 8 natural antiseptics.

When we have small wounds on the skin and we do not give them adequate treatment, this can be the entry point for microorganisms that, later, can cause infections both internally and externally.

One of the ways to avoid infections and treat small skin wounds is by using natural antiseptics, which have a powerful action to fight germs and prevent their proliferation.

The 8 best natural antiseptics:


  • Garlic

This ingredient is one of the best natural antiseptics that we can find, according to multiple studies.

The consumption of garlic is recommended to fight respiratory infections and it is also good to help wound healing, according to animal studies.

If you are taking a garlic supplement, be sure to follow the dosage instructions as directed and to consult with a specialist.

  • Echinacea

Echinacea is a plant whose roots and leaves have been popularly used for medicinal purposes.

Echinacea is popularly believed to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties and as an immune-strengthening agent. This makes it a very popular herbal supplement that is available in many commercial products. One of the common ways to use echinacea is to drink it in a tea.

  • Bee honey


Honey is one of the oldest known antibiotics, dating back to ancient times. The Egyptians frequently used honey as a natural antibiotic and skin protector.

Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which may explain some of its antibacterial properties. It is also high in sugar, which can help stop the growth of certain bacteria.

Honey is often used in different beauty treatments for the skin, as it softens the skin, prevents infection and deeply hydrates it. To take advantage of its benefits, it is recommended to make a mixture of honey and lemon, which we must apply directly to the skin lesion with gauze.

  • Propolis

Propolis is a resin used by bees to seal the holes in their hives and thus prevent intruders from entering. This substance is composed of vitamins, minerals and a large amount of bioflavonoids that make it a powerful antibiotic and natural antiseptic that can heal skin wounds and soothe stomach ulcers.

Currently this ingredient continues to become popular as an antiseptic and source of vitamins, capable of fighting skin infections, as well as different health problems.

  • Thyme

The antiseptic power of thyme has been known for millennia. As the story goes, in ancient Egypt thyme was burned to purify the air and eliminate microorganisms.

Currently, thyme is popularly believed to be used to treat skin wounds, as well as infections of internal organs such as the bronchi or intestine, among others. It is recommended to prepare an infusion of thyme and drink two cups a day.

In case of external use, a cotton ball is dipped in the thyme infusion and applied directly to the lesion.

  • Onion

Like garlic, onion is also a powerful natural antiseptic. 

There are several treatments for external use, which are intended to treat or prevent skin infections. For this you can toast it, boil it or use it raw and apply it directly on the skin wounds. It may initially cause a slight burning sensation, but the results are very effective. Of course, consult your dermatologist before making any application. 

  • Lavender

lavender relax

Lavender is used for its delicious aroma and its relaxing properties, which help in times of stress and tension.

What few know is that lavender also has a high antiseptic and anti-inflammatory power that can help treat skin infections and wounds. For this, you can use lavender essential oil or an infusion of the plant. Apply it directly to the affected skin.

  • Carrot

This food rich in antioxidants also has several applications on the skin due to its great benefits. The carrot has multiple vitamins. To do this, you must prepare a paste with a crushed boiled carrot and then, you must apply it directly to the affected area.

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