Speed ​​up The Metabolism, One Of The Best Options When It Comes To Losing Weight

Substituting cold water for sodas and carbonated drinks is a great way to speed up the metabolism, since the body will use more energy to recover its previous temperature.

Much is said about the best options when it comes to losing weight. Some consider that they should stop eating or continue restrictive diets and others opt for tailor-made regimens with a nutritionist. This time we want to tell you about an option that takes elements from each of the aforementioned alternatives, but is still fun and easy: speed up the metabolism.

We think it is a good option because it re-educates the body to regulate itself in a safe way, without the need to starve yourself.

Does it sound interesting? Is it something you would like to try? In that case, get ready to discover some options to speed up your metabolism today, but with less effort. Take note!

What is metabolism?

Before talking about how to speed up your metabolism, it is important to understand what we mean by that term.

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in the body and that keep you alive and functioning . Depending on how slow or fast these reactions take place, a certain amount of calories will be burned.

When your metabolism is racing, it works faster and burns more energy. This translates into a lower amount of accumulated fat and a greater facility to maintain an optimal weight.

Eat enough protein

Lean proteins

The simplest way to speed up your metabolism is by giving your body foods that nourish it, but force it to work extra. The best option are those that have a thermal effect, such as proteins. The amount of energy required by the body to process a protein is greater than that required to break down a carbohydrate, for example.

This is one of the principles on which diets rich in protein and fat foods, but low in carbohydrates, are based. In this way, ketogenic diets achieve better results in weight loss, according to an article published in the Canadian Family Physician Medecin de Famille Canadien .  Despite all these types of eating patterns are not valid for everyone due to the side effects they produce during their onset.

Drink enough cold water to speed up your metabolism

What do you usually drink to quench your thirst? Unfortunately, the vast majority opt for soft drinks, flavored waters and other drinks with sugars and chemicals. If you are one of these people, you should know that you are complicating your process of weightloss and slowing down the metabolism.

Glass of cold water with ice

All beverages that contain chemicals or sugars provide calories that affect the body. To speed up the metabolism, we recommend you change any drink you are used to for a glass of cold water.

This alternative speeds up the metabolism immediately because the  body will require more energy to restore its temperature . However, the effect is not permanent because, once the body recovers its temperature, the metabolism returns to its normal state. 

The glass of cold water is not a magic remedy, so it will not be enough to drink it to see benefits. It is necessary to implement a hypocaloric diet together with the practice of regular exercise to lose weight.

Drinking a glass of water before meals is another trick that can help increase satiety. However, keep in mind that you should not rely solely on this measure.

Reducing your appetite is an effective way to improve weight loss, as it leads to less food intake. 

Another trick aimed at this goal is to consume foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, before main meals. The pectin contained in these foods helps activate the satiety mechanism, as stated in a study published in 2018.

Get high intensity exercise

Jump the rope

Exercising daily is necessary to maintain health. However, not all sports techniques work to speed up the metabolism. The best alternatives for this are high intensity interval exercises.

These accelerate fat burning, according to a study conducted in 2017. T your metabolism is accelerated even after finishing the routine. We understand that for some people it can be difficult when they are not in the proper physical condition.

We invite you to challenge yourself and try it. If you don’t want to do it daily, at least add them to your routine twice a week . The rest of the days you can do lighter sports.

Avoid sitting all the time

How many hours a day do you spend sitting? The reality is that the vast majority of people spend several hours in this position. Although this is very comfortable, health requires something different: constant activity.

If your work is very absorbing, at least try to do it standing some hours. It may seem weird or extreme at first, but it’s a good idea to speed up your metabolism. 

Another option is to get up every 30 minutes and do some stretches for 2 to 5 minutes.

Diet and exercise to speed up metabolism

Activating the metabolism can be, on many occasions, synonymous with health. For this we recommend you carry out the proposed tips. Remember that regular physical exercise helps reduce the risk of developing diseases.

On the other hand, a varied and balanced diet contributes to the proper functioning of the body. To do this, prioritize the choice of fresh foods over processed products, rich in simple sugars and trans fats.

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