Signs Of Health Or Disease On The Tongue

When we were children we were taught that showing the language is rude. Now that we are grown up, we refrain from showing it in public because it doesn’t look good. However, did you know that there are signs of health or disease on the tongue ? Find out more in the next article!

The tongue, a reflection of health

They say that the eyes are the reflection of the soul … then, the tongue is the mirror of health (or disease). For hundreds of years, Ayurvedic doctors have examined the tongue of their patients to determine if they suffer from any particular ailment.

The three parts, according to this traditional medicine, are: vata (root), pitta (middle) and kapha (tip). The color and texture of the tongue can tell us if we are healthy or sick.

This is because this muscle, which allows us to appreciate the taste of food, is an extension of the stomach and we can then see what our gastric or stomach state is like. It has thousands of nerve endings, each (or several) associated with various parts of the body.


Your tongue is healthy if it is soft, flexible, without cracks and is slightly moist, that is, it does not produce more or less saliva than necessary. This means that you are in good health.

The white coating that appears above the tongue is normal, as long as it is thin. More than with the disease, this is related to hygiene and cleanliness when brushing our teeth. Pay more attention to washing the tongue accordingly.

Tongue color and texture: what to watch out for

It does not take an Ayurvedic doctor to determine if we are incubating a disease or have a health problem. We can analyze two very important issues of the language, color and texture, to know how is our general state:


As said before, the healthy tongue is the pink one. If it is a dark reddish hue, it indicates that there is inflammation in the body and may even be a sign of a type of cancer. If the tongue is brownish or discolored it is because it is smoked a lot. The intense pink can be from scarlet fever (or scarlet fever).

If the tongue is pale, it means that we are lacking nutrients and the hemoglobin levels in the blood are low. If the white film is very thick, it may be due to fungi ( candidiasis ) or unbalanced secretion of bile from the liver.

Another of the symptoms of disease in the tongue is perceived when it is whitish only on the sides, then it may be due to a problem in the lungs. And if the tone is yellowish, it indicates cholecystitis.


Texture and surface

To be healthy, as indicated, the tongue has to be kept moist and smooth. But beware, the lack of texture may be showing anemia or iron deficiency.

If there are spots on the upper part it is because the person could have suffered some type of allergy. The grains or sores would speak of an excessive consumption of refined sugars, fats or proteins. And when it is dry it is a typical sign of stress (it can also be due to too much mucus in the body, anemia or diabetes).

If the tongue becomes very inflamed, the reasons can be several, for example, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea or chronic gastritis. If the taste buds are flat (instead of textured), it could indicate some kind of more serious problem.

Signs of disease on the tongue

Pay attention to how your tongue looks: you could be suffering from an ailment and you have not realized it. Look for any of these signs of tongue disease:

Crack in the middle

It could be a sign of tongue disease, indicating  that your stomach is weak or you have digestive problems. This in turn is due to a nutrient deficit. However, there are no studies that corroborate these claims. To solve this problem, eat a more balanced diet and see your doctor.


When several sores appear in the mouth on a recurring basis, it means that certain nutrients are missing, such as vitamin B6, iron or niacin.

The most recommended solution is usually to consume more lentils, red meat, eggs and dairy. Make a nettle tea, and if you are still feeling ill, feel free to take a blood test to determine that you do not have anemia.

Small horizontal cracks

It is believed that it would mean that your body is not absorbing vitamins properly. However, there is no scientific research to support these claims. It is advisable to go to the doctor if we observe something out of the ordinary.

Red tip or recurring canker sores

There are times when the tongue indicates, more than a physical ailment, an emotional problem. This means that you may be overly stressed, sad, depressed, anxious, upset, or nervous.

To avoid this, in addition to thinking positively and trying to find the solution to problems, you can consume herbs that relax you. Melissa, linden, chamomile, and valerian can help, as well as consult with a mental health specialist if you need it.

Swollen and white coating (thick)

It means that there is a build-up of mucus in your body, or you are lacking good bacteria (yes, because not all of them are bad). To reverse the situation, it is advisable to go to the doctor and add more green foods to your diet (broccoli, cabbage, peas, lettuce, celery, chard, spinach).

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