Shake To Stimulate The Brain And Improve Our Mood

It’s delicious, easy to make, and very energetic. With this shake to stimulate the brain we will undoubtedly obtain that infallible formula with which to be much more productive in our days and, in addition, we will enjoy a better state of mind.

To start the day well, a coffee is not enough. Our energy level will reach a peak that will not last beyond an hour or hour and a half.

However, if we combine two ingredients as suitable as avocado and sugar-free powdered chocolate, we will not only enjoy a greater contribution of energy, but we will also achieve an adequate satiating effect.

Something that, without a doubt, you have noticed is that avocados are in fashion. They are already that basic ingredient in most vegan diets but, in addition, something that we must also begin to tear down is the classic idea that they make us gain weight.

We assure you that this energy shake will not make your waist increase in size. In fact, It will make it easier for us to lose kilos thanks to its fiber, its fatty acids and the satiety it gives us.  Your brain will appreciate it and your mood will notice it on those days when we wake up with a headache and some apathy.

Avocado and chocolate to stimulate the brain

Many of our readers may think that the caloric load of chocolate and avocado is little more than a bomb of health hazards. Nothing is further from reality.

Our brain will be satisfied with these two foods. Now, you have to know how and when to consume them. We offer you all the information so that you take it into account.

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Chocolate slows cognitive decline

In our shake to stimulate the brain  we are going to use dark chocolate powder without sugar. It is the classic vitamin supplement that they sell in pharmacies or in specialized diet stores, in whose formula only the cocoa itself with all its vitamins, lactose-free, remains.

However, if you wish, you can include an ounce of chocolate or the classic chocolate powder. For our part, we always suggest the healthiest and most organic option. Let’s see now what benefits chocolate has for our brain.

  • According to an article published in the Medical Daily magazine , regular but controlled consumption of chocolate provides adequate benefits to our brain health, as it combats cognitive decline.
  • According to data from a study carried out at the University of Adelaide (Australia) in 2016, consuming between 25 and 28 grams of dark and unsweetened chocolate a day optimizes brain function , thanks to its contribution of flavonoids, magnesium and vitamin B.
  • The flavanoids present in dark chocolate are just as beneficial as those found in red wine, tea, grapes or apples.
  • The best time to consume chocolate is in the morning. It is when our body best synthesizes this type of caloric food and when our brain needs this energy the most to improve its attention and working memory.

    Avocados improve our mood

    Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat necessary for our body and, especially, to take care of our heart health.

    • It is clear, of course, that we should not overdo it: it is enough to consume half an avocado every day or every two days to get that fair and balanced contribution that guarantees us following a healthy diet.
    • According to a study published in the scientific journal  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , thanks to the fact that avocados contain folic acid, we are able to prevent the accumulation of homocysteine ​​in our brain.

    This substance can endanger the circulation and the supply of nutrients to this organ.

    • In addition, the  excess homocysteine ​​can also interfere with the production of serotonin,  dopamine and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that regulate mood and even our rest.

    So feel free to enjoy both chocolate and avocado to prepare this wonderful shake to stimulate the brain and fight morning apathy.

    How to make my shake to stimulate the brain and improve mood

    Shake to stimulate the brain and improve our mood


    • 1 glass of vegetable almond drink (200 ml)
    • ½ avocado
    • 1 ½ tablespoon unsweetened organic dark chocolate powder (15 g)
    • 10 blueberries
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)



    As we have indicated previously, powdered chocolate can be found in health food stores or pharmacies. It is the classic energetic and healthy supplement that helps us to have a more complete diet.

    • The first thing we will do is obtain half of our avocado and then cut it into small pieces.
    • Next, we will take it to the blender along with the rest of the ingredients. Almond milk is an ideal component in our shake to stimulate the brain.
    • Mix well and get a homogeneous drink. We assure you that the taste is simply sensational and that your energy and mood will notice it.

    Don’t hesitate to try it!

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