Rejuvenate Your Body By Eating Celery

In addition to containing calcium, essential for bone health, celery also helps us improve blood flow and prevent diseases such as diabetes or kidney disease.

In the ranking of nutritious and perfect vegetables for health, celery is in the top positions. It is very refreshing, ideal for the summer, it is eaten raw in salads and it is perfect to remove anxiety about food in the middle of the afternoon. It cannot be missing in your summer dishes!

But, besides that, did you know that you can rejuvenate yourself by eating celery? Find out more in the following article. However, keep in mind that this food has to be integrated in the context of a varied diet.

What is celery good for?

Perfect in a midwinter soup or a rich summer salad, this versatile vegetable is packed with magnesium and iron. A powerful combination! It nourishes all the cells of the body and also provides what is necessary in sodium for the body to function perfectly.

On the other hand, celery has a lot of calcium which, as we already know, is good for strengthening bones, especially in the elderly. This is evidenced by a study published in Nutrients . But it doesn’t end there, because this rich vegetable helps convert inorganic calcium (ingested through refined or chemically altered foods) into organic.

Eating celery we avoid suffering a malfunction in all the body systems and, in addition, we prevent the appearance of certain diseases such as, for example, diabetes, arthritis, varicose veins, heart problems, hemorrhoids, kidney or biliary problems.

The sodium provided by celery maintains blood flow and lymphatic system in excellent condition, preventing the blood from being too thick or acidic.

In the case of women who are experiencing a menstrual period or breastfeeding, celery can help restore the body and replace both iron and calcium that is lost through menstruation or milk.

Celery juice

A recipe that does not fail in these cases is a delicious shake prepared with

  • 2 stalks of celery.
  • ½ cup of raw spinach.
  • 2 carrots, peeled.
  • 3 almonds (or ½ cup of flaked oats).


Peel the carrots and chop them. Then put them in the blender or food processor with the other ingredients well washed. Mix and drink immediately. In no time you’ll have enough energy to run a marathon (we don’t know if you can win it, but at least compete!

Celery and skin

Still looking for more reasons to eat celery? Well, then you have to know that it improves the appearance of the skin, preventing it from looking tired and dull due to poor nutrition in the cells (either due to fatigue or an unbalanced diet).

If you regularly consume celery and carrot juice (in equal parts), you will nourish the skin and mineralize the body. It is a perfect natural tonic for both external and internal health. According to research published in Nutrition in Clinical Practice , vitamin A in carrots is key to improving wound healing on the skin.


  • 2 sticks of celery.
  • 5 lettuce leaves.
  • Cabbage.


Put everything chopped in the blender glass and add a little water. Mix well and drink immediately, better if it is fasting. This drink is very refreshing for summer days (you can add ice cubes, if you wish) and, in addition to looking good on the outside, you will also reduce stress or anxiety levels, and put insomnia aside.

In addition to celery, if you want to look much younger and feel healthy and with all the strength to face each day, its obligations and occupations, do not hesitate to include other good foods to provide organic calcium and convert the inorganic into good for your body. Thus, among the highlights are:

  • Fresh vegetables.
  • Fresh fruits in general and citrus fruits in particular.
  • Seeds.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Pure bee honey.
  • Germinated.
  • Alfalfa.
  • Pollen.
  • Seaweed.

More in the mood for smoothies?

If you have not reached the options that we have just offered, here are more ideas to consume celery if you do not always want to eat it in your salad or in a soup (especially now that it is hot).

Celery, carrot and lemon smoothie


This recipe serves to reduce hypertension. It has a high concentration of potassium, a nutrient that has been shown to be key to controlling blood pressure.


  • 6 stalks of celery.
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 lemons.


1. First, cut the celery into large chunks.

2. Next, peel the carrots and cut them into slices.

3. Then peel the lemons and cut them in four.

4.    Put everything in the blender glass and mix (you can add a little water).

5. Finally drink immediately, sweetened with ½ teaspoon of honey if you wish.

Celery, cucumber and kiwi smoothie

All green ingredients to improve digestion and feel great.


  • 4 sticks of celery.
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 kiwis.


1. First, cut the celery into chunks.

2. Next, peel the cucumber, cut it into pieces and remove the seeds.

3. Then peel the kiwis and cut them in four.

4. Put everything in the blender and mix until you get a homogeneous juice.

5. You can add a little water so that it is not so thick.

Celery, pineapple and orange juice


If you want to lose weight and eliminate toxins that affect health and skin, do not hesitate to prepare this smoothie.

Ingredients (for two glasses)

  • 2 stalks of celery.
  • 3 slices of pineapple.
  • The juice of 2 oranges.


1. First, cut the celery into chunks.

2. Next, cut the pineapple slices into small pieces.

3. Then squeeze the oranges

4. Put everything in the blender and mix well

5.    Strain before drinking, put some ice cubes to make it even more refreshing.

Eat more celery to improve health

As you can see, adding this vegetable to the diet is not that complicated. Do you dare to try it? Sure you will not regret! Keep in mind, however, that to experience its benefits it is necessary to include it in the context of a varied and balanced diet from the energy point of view.

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