Recipes With Baking Soda For Facial Beauty

Have you ever wondered if recipes with baking soda really contribute to the beauty of the face? In that case, keep reading, because below we are going to reveal some important information about this substance and its different applications.

To begin with, you have to remember that baking soda is a white substance that dissolves very easily in water. 

Although it is usually used in home cleaning, since it helps to remove dirt and stains and also deodorize , ta It is also used in confectionery, for making bread, as it helps the doughs to rise, gain flavor and volume. 

Recipes with baking soda and beauty

On the other hand, there are those who have used this substance to develop home beauty treatments, for different purposes: to reduce blemishes, eliminate dark circles and spots, regulate the production of oil or shine, and so on.

All this because it has been considered that this substance could eliminate dead skin cells, ‘sweep’ accumulated dirt and possible infectious agents that have been lodged in the skin.

Natural remedy: Baking soda and lemon

As if that were not enough, recipes with baking soda could decongest pores and, in short, restore health and good appearance to the skin, especially when you have acne.

Generally, people consider that by using these recipes as part of their care routine (especially facial), they obtain cleaner skin, free of impurities or oil, and with a smoother texture. However, one thing is what you want and another is reality.

More than a benefit, they pose a danger to the skin

However, using baking soda recipes for your skin is not as good as you might first think. In fact, it carries several significant risks.

Considering that it is a product abrasive enough to remove accumulated dirt on floors and bathrooms (or other areas and surfaces) and even bleach them, perhaps we should rethink its use as a cosmetic product. 

Sodium bicarbonate, even though it is believed to be used in minute doses and occasionally, does not contribute to skin health.

Not only can it ‘sweep away’ dirt, it can also eliminate your natural defenses, drying it out, irritating it and further exposing you to a variety of problems, which can range from contact dermatitis to infections.

It is also not going to help decongest pores or protect skin from comedone formations or other blemishes in the future. Much less will it balance the pH or control the production of fat, on the contrary, it can promote alterations that end up increasing the production of fat even more. 

Mixtures to avoid

sodium bicarbonate

Not only should you avoid using the baking soda paste that is prepared with water. It is also advisable to avoid home treatments that include other products, such as food or plants.

  • Honey + baking soda.
  • Vinegar + baking soda.
  • Aloe vera + bicarbonate.
  • Vegetable oils + bicarbonate.
  • Lemon juice + bicarbonate.
  • Dairy products + bicarbonate.
  • Spices (cinnamon or others) + bicarbonate.

Mixing baking soda with food, aloe vera, and spices is believed to ‘reduce’ its impact and, in turn, hydrate the skin. However, this is not an effective method.

Chemistry experts, such as Professor Benjamin Ruiz Loyola of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, point out that sodium bicarbonate is not a suitable substance for skin care since it has an alkaline pH, while the skin has a pH acid. Therefore, when baking soda is applied to the skin, it becomes dry, irritated and can even crack and peel. 

What can you use instead of baking soda recipes?

There are various home treatments with natural ingredients (such as oatmeal, for example) that can be used within the skin care routine, with prior authorization from the dermatologist.

Although many home remedies are not considered a recommended option, since their ingredients can harm the skin even in low doses, there are some that could be authorized, in a timely manner. 

For this, the recommendations regarding: skin type (and their respective needs), amount of product to use, frequency of application, additional care are taken into account.

In case of acne, dermatitis or other skin conditions, it is best to follow the treatment prescribed by the dermatologist and avoid the use of home remedies, with or without sodium bicarbonate.

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