Properties Of Green Tea, A Very Popular Drink

Green tea is a natural drink of Chinese origin that is very popular around the world. For millennia, it has been used to promote the health of the body and mind, and therefore, extensive research has been done to see how beneficial this drink is and why. To find out, below we share what its properties are.

What are the properties of green tea?

Green tea is a drink that can help keep the body hydrated and, in turn, increase the frequency of urination. Therefore, it is often claimed that it has diuretic properties.

When our frequency of urination increases, we have the feeling that we are much less bloated and that we “lose weight”. For this reason, many people have not hesitated to attribute slimming properties to green tea. However, this has not been fully verified scientifically. As well as it is not proven that its intake helps to reduce or control weight, eliminate cellulite, reduce abdominal fat, among other issues.

On the other hand, tea lovers affirm that the consumption of this drink may be associated with an improvement in cognition and the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. However, studies are still needed to find evidence and clarify these points.

The main active principles to which green tea owes its activity are: xanthic bases and polyphenols (flavonoids, catechins, catechic tannins and phenolic acids). Within the xanthic bases, it contains mostly caffeine (or theine), in addition to theophylline, theobromine, adenine and xanthine.

Adverse effects

Excessive consumption of green tea can cause adverse reactions in the body, given its content of theine, tannins and caffeine. We must take into account the following:

  • In case of suffering from  hypertension, it is best to avoid green tea, since this drink can increase blood pressure.
  • Anemia. Green tea contains tannins and they absorb iron, so an excessive consumption of this tea could cause anemia.

Recommendations for consumption

Green Tea

  • The consumption of green tea should always be moderate, because although it is a recommended natural drink in most cases, its excessive consumption can cause nervousness and other inconveniences to the body. In fact, a moderate consumption of any infusion is always recommended.
  • On the other hand, given its theine content, it is not recommended for the little ones.
  • With regard to its preparation, it is recommended that green tea be prepared with water below the boiling level so that it does not become bitter and thus, it can taste good. Likewise, it is recommended to respect the cooking time and strain the drink as soon as it is finished.

    Remember, green tea is a good option to hydrate yourself and enjoy a natural drink, as long as you include it within a healthy lifestyle and avoid excessive consumption.

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