Pineapple And Ginger Juice For Cellulite

Cellulite is a cosmetic problem that affects many people around the world. It has not been easy to tackle, since there are still many unknowns. However, certain information is handled, such as the one that we are going to comment on below.

It is an accumulation of fatty tissue in one or more areas of the body, which grows and accommodates itself, forming dimples or bumps (orange peel) that are visible to the naked eye.

It is almost impossible to permanently eliminate cellulite from all areas of the body. However, by adopting healthy habits, such as good diet and exercise, it is possible to reduce cellulite and give your skin a better appearance in general.

Natural remedies to reduce cellulite?

Nowadays, many beauty centers and spas offer treatments to mitigate cellulite and, in general, improve the health of the skin. However, there is no scientific evidence that indicates they are 100% effective or that they help to completely eliminate the problem.

Therefore, they should always be taken as complements to a healthy lifestyle. Like the following pineapple and ginger juice that we are going to comment on later.

Pineapple and ginger, two anti-inflammatory ingredients

Pineapple fruit cut on a table.

Pineapple and ginger juice combines healthy, fresh and delicious foods with many antioxidants. This facilitates the elimination of retained fluids in the body and helps to mitigate cellulite, in a certain way.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) indicates that pineapple is a source of iodine, vitamin C, organic acids and bromelain. 

For its part, ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a source of carbohydrates, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, manganese, vitamins A, B and C, 85% is water, and very few calories (55 per 100 grams) . Additionally, it should be mentioned that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.

Pineapple and ginger juice for cellulite

Although this drink does not cure cellulite as such, it can refresh you, give you a supply of antioxidants and nutrients and, in addition, a delicious flavor to enjoy a moment of relaxation.

Prepare and consume it in moderation, either as part of a breakfast or a snack.


  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 3 teaspoons of grated ginger root (15 g)


  1. First, cut the 2 pineapple slices and core them.
  2. Then, take the pieces to the blender.
  3. Then add a tablespoon of ginger and a glass of water.
  4. Process until smooth and add a few ice cubes.
  5. Serve and consume your pineapple and ginger juice in moderation.

Note: ginger is a spice that is contraindicated in some cases and therefore it is necessary to inform yourself well before consuming it.


What should you do to get rid of cellulite?

In order to reduce dimples or bumps on the skin, it would be best to maintain an active lifestyle and, ultimately, abandon a sedentary lifestyle. Not only rely on the consumption of pineapple and ginger juice.

A good exercise routine will help to care for, strengthen and work the body, not just improve its appearance. So, remember that exercise is not only a way to look good, but to gain well-being.

According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, there is no treatment that is totally effective. At the moment, all existing treatments help to improve the appearance of the skin, but they do not ensure the total elimination of cellulite.

Other measures that can help improve the appearance of the skin is to eat a balanced diet (if you have doubts about how to do it, you can consult with the nutritionist or directly with your doctor), perform massages, mesotherapy, or apply anti-celluite creams, But the most important thing is that you maintain a healthy and consistent lifestyle.

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