Natural Remedies For Gastric Ulcers

Gastric ulcers are sores that appear on the lining of the stomach or small intestine. The most common symptom is heartburn. We explain how to detect this disease, as well as its natural treatment based on diet advice and natural remedies.

Ulcers and heartburn

Gastric or peptic ulcers appear when there is excess acidity in the digestive system. It is something that damages and irritates the entire tract and facilitates the proliferation of pathogens.

One of these pathogens is  Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that is the most common cause of this disease. Anyway, it is important to note that this bacterium only lives if the soil is too acidic, so the important thing will be to eliminate the possible causes of hyperacidity.

Hyperacidity can be due to a poor diet, regular use of medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen, bad habits, stress, or too weak digestion.

Although many people take antacids or baking soda to relieve heartburn, they should know that this remedy only temporarily improves the problem. It will never cure the disease.

On the contrary, in the long run, if we abuse antacids, we can alter the stomach acids too much, which can cause multiple diseases.

Foods that acidify the body

Industrial pastries

Food is the basis of the natural treatment of this disease. We should avoid the foods that most acidify our body, among them the following can be noted:

  • Dairy products.
  • Sugars
  • Fried
  • Refined and industrial pastries.

Also, avoid tobacco and alcohol. It is also advisable not to take certain plants and spices that enhance gastric juices. They may have other properties, but they contribute to hyperacidity:

  • Coffee.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Clove.
  • Ginger.
  • Mate.
  • Pepper.

Alkaline diet to avoid gastric ulcers

To prevent the appearance or calm the symptoms of gastric ulcers, these foods can be included in the diet :

Recommended fruits

Lemon water for gastric ulcers

Pineapple facilitates digestion thanks to its proteolytic enzymes.  Due to its glutamine and bromelain content, it is beneficial for ulcers, as this article published in Food science and technology international points out But it is said we should not mix it with carbohydrates (bread, pasta, pastries, rice, etc.). It is the ideal dessert before or after eating vegetables or salad and meat or fish.

And despite being citrusy and acidic, lemon is said to  have an acid neutralizing effect once it reaches the stomach. For this reason, it is recommended to take it regularly, combined with meals and in juice, mixed with water, although there is no scientific evidence in this regard.


Cabbage is said to help heal ulcers, but there are many people who do not digest it well if it is raw. We will take it cooked with a pinch of cumin, raw but macerated with a vinaigrette or in the form of sauerkraut.

However, some scientists point out that it is beneficial, to reduce the symptoms of gastric ulcers, not to eat heavy or starchy plant foods, such as cabbage.

For its part, it is believed that the pepper, being a nightshade, acts as a great gastric toner. Meanwhile, celery is a great cleanser and alkalizer. We will add it to broths and stews, but also raw to salads. However, there is no recent scientific research to support this information.

Other foods

The potato is the great natural antacid. Its juice works perfectly to counteract heartburn. This is shown by this research work of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (Faculty of Sciences, School of Biochemistry and Pharmacy), Riobamba, Ecuador. And meanwhile, millet is the only alkalizing cereal, so we will consume it more regularly than other cereals such as rice, wheat, etc.

Natural remedies for gastric ulcers

Peeled potatoes

Formerly, it  was recommended to take the preparation of the juice of a quarter of a large raw potato well washed (approximately a quarter or a third of a glass) and peeled, mixed with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

This anti-inflammatory and alkalizing preparation is very effective and we can notice improvement in just nine days. We can make raw potato juice ourselves or buy it in dietetics or herbalists.

Finally, another natural antacid that we can consume without causing harm is white clay for oral use, sold in herbalists and dietetics. We will mix a teaspoon of clay with water, after ten minutes we will mix again and we will take the preparation, but there are no recent studies that corroborate this efficacy against ulcers.

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