Microwave Trick To Remove Bacteria And Bad Odor From Your Kitchen Sponges

It is very unpleasant to grab your sponges and notice how bad they smell. In addition, this way they can make everything we clean with them filled with bacteria and microbes.

What’s more, in humid places a lot of germs accumulate and the sponges are always in contact with water.
You have to give the importance it deserves to cleaning the home. If we do not keep a clean home, it can make us sick quickly and both young and old can be at risk.

Sponges are one of the most used materials in the kitchen. We always end up using them when we want to clean any surface, dishes, glasses or cutlery. Even if we have the dishwasher, we will always have a good cleaning sponge at home.

If you are tired of seeing how the sponge, no matter how well you wash it, still smells bad, we will tell you how you can wash it very effectively using the microwave. Don’t miss out on this amazing tip.

Clean your sponges with the microwave

sponge in the microwave

Perhaps it had never occurred to you, but you can clean the sponges that you use to clean dishes with the help of the microwave.

It is convenient to change the sponges from time to time, but we are not going to release one every day. Therefore, we tell you how you can clean it and, at the same time, sterilize it in the microwave.

First of all, you have to make sure that the sponge does not have any metallic material. You already know that metals cannot be put in the microwave because you could break it causing a short circuit.

Also, make sure your sponge is of quality and withstands temperatures, because if the plastic is bad it could melt.

Once you are sure that your sponge is of quality, soak it in water and place it in a bowl with a little water at its base. Otherwise,  you can wet a small towel and place it under the sponge. This will prevent it from always having water and will not be in danger of melting.

Next, put the bowl with the sponge in the microwave and program 2 minutes on high power. This method will kill all bacteria, germs, and microbes on the sponge.

Once the time has passed, carefully remove the bowl and rinse with cold water to avoid burning yourself.

You will not believe that the sponge that you are washing with cold water is the same one that you had inserted two minutes before. You will notice the changes immediately, since the musty smell will have disappeared and it will look in very good condition.

Some studies suggest that if we do this cleaning practice regularly, the amount of bacteria and mold disappears almost completely. It is much more effective than if we use other more conventional methods.

Warnings about performing this cleaning technique

Be careful because the microwave is still an oven that heats whatever is inside. For this reason, be careful when you remove anything and in this case the sponge.

On the other hand, make sure the sponge is very wet and damp when you put it inside. A dry sponge can catch fire if we insert it like this without realizing it.

When you want to do this deep cleaning of the sponge, be aware and do not separate yourself from the microwave. So if something goes wrong you can stop the process quickly.

Tips to keep your sponges clean for longer

person opening the microwave

  • You must maintain a daily cleaning after each use. Always remove food debris after cleaning your pots, pans and dishes. This way the bacteria will not proliferate.
  • Be careful if raw meat remains between the filaments of the scourer.
  • Always drain the excess water from the sponge : do not leave it full of water.
  • You can put them in the dishwasher, the ideal is to put it in the cutlery compartments, you will see that it will be like new.
  • Soak them once a week in a mixture of water and bleach to kill germs.
  • Sponges are necessary for our cleaning. Therefore, do not skimp on expenses and security and buy new sponges periodically.

As you can see, this method is very useful to keep your kitchen clean. And it is that we not only clean the dishes and pans with the sponge, but also the countertop and the shelves.

Don’t forget to share this wonderful cleaning trick with your loved ones and see for yourself how this simple gesture renews your sponges.

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