Light Green Apple Jelly With Chia

Would you like to have a snack between meals? What if that something could be something really delicious and healthy at the same time? That is what we propose to you today with this tasty recipe for light green apple jelly with chia.

Take note! Do not miss it

Gelatin l ight green apple chia

The recipe that we propose today is light and nutritious. In it, the flavor and freshness of gelatin are combined with the benefits of green apple and chia seeds. For this reason, you should not miss it.



The consumption of gelatin is recommended to strengthen bones and cartilage. In fact, although it may seem difficult to believe it, gelatin is a product of animal origin, prepared from collagen from farm animals.

It is also a very healthy and nutritious food that provides protein with a minimum of fat and calories. In fact, 90% of its composition is proteins. On the other hand, it also provides amino acids, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, so that it helps to strengthen the bone system and the renewal of cartilage.

In addition, its main element, “gelatin” is rich in collagen, so that it also helps the regeneration and good condition of the skin.

The green apple

Woman's hands holding an apple

Surely you already know the Anglo-Saxon saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away ” (“an apple a day keeps the doctor away”). This is what popular tradition has to tell us about these healthy fruits. However, its benefits are also supported by science.

Indeed, the green apple is rich in antioxidants, especially flavonoids. In addition, it contributes to weight loss thanks to malic acid and helps regulate blood glucose levels. On the other hand, being rich in potassium, they also promote cardiovascular health.


Chia seeds

For its part, chia seeds also provide numerous benefits. They are a considerable source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as containing vitamins and antioxidants.

Among the benefits of consuming chia seeds we can highlight:

  • They increase the feeling of fullness, which is why they are ideal in weight loss programs.
  • They help  regulate blood sugar levels.
  • They help  regulate electrolyte balance  and keep us hydrated.

Recipe for light green apple jelly with chia


  • Light powdered gelatin with green apple flavor
  • One liter of water (or as indicated on the powdered gelatin envelope)
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 2 green apples


  • First, prepare the envelope jelly according to the instructions. In general, it is just a matter of adding the gelatin powder to the boiling water, and cook for a few minutes.
  • Next, pour half of the liquid into jelly molds or any other silicone mold with the size you want.
  • Then, put the molds with half of the gelatin in the refrigerator to set. This can last.
  • Meanwhile, you can wash the apples well, peel them and cut them into thin slices.
  • Then, when the gelatin has set, insert the apple slices into the gelatin and sprinkle the chia seeds.
  • Later, cover with the rest of the gelatin that you had reserved and, again, refrigerate until all the gelatin sets.
  • When it’s set, enjoy!

Simple, right? Well, in addition to being easy, it is a delicious and healthy recipe that we recommend.

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