Learn How To Make A Healthy Chocolate Mousse Without Cream

There are few desserts as delicious, creamy and healthy as this chocolate mousse without cream, made without any dairy derivatives so that all those people who are lactose intolerant can enjoy it without any problem.

The main ingredients of this dessert are eggs and cocoa, two foods that provide us with many health benefits.

Today you will discover how to make this simple dessert step by step, as well as its medicinal properties so that you can enjoy it without regrets.

A chocolate mousse without cream

Most mousse recipes are based on one main ingredient: cream. But cream is not a very healthy food, since it is very rich in fats that are difficult to digest, which also increase our cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

In this recipe we propose a much healthier basic ingredient: egg white. It is true that the recipe with egg white will take a little longer, because you have to mount them to the point of snow.

Chocolate mousse spoon

In the event that you do not have egg whites to make this chocolate mousse recipe and we believe that we have to use the cream, we can substitute it for vegetable milk.

Plant-based rice or oat milk has a similar texture and taste, although not the same. However, they are healthier and a good alternative.

The ingredients of this mousse

This mousse has some ingredients of which it is important that we name its benefits. Let’s see what the egg, the chocolate give us and how we can make this recipe for chocolate mousse without cream.

Egg benefits

The egg is a food that has a great nutritional value:

  • It is very rich in protein of high biological quality, which means that it contains all the essential amino acids in adequate amounts for our body.
  • It contains vitamins of group B (B1, B3, B12, folic acid and biotin), A, E and D.
  • It contains minerals such as selenium, zinc, phosphorus or iron.

Most of the components are found in the yolk, but the white is the one that contains the protein. For this recipe, we will use whole eggs, so we will benefit from all these nutrients.

We recommend choosing organic eggs or eggs raised as naturally as possible.

The chocolate

The other essential ingredient in this recipe is chocolate. When chocolate is rich in cocoa, its qualities make it a medicinal food with antioxidant properties that delay aging.

  • Cocoa is rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and fiber mainly.
  • It also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that leads to a nervous signal that produces happiness. Therefore, it improves states of anxiety, irritability, depression, etc.


    Choose a chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa and low sugar content.

    Beware of sugar

    This chocolate mousse without cream contains sugar and, as we well know, white sugar is harmful to health. Although consumed in moderation, as this study points out, it does not have as many detrimental effects.

    However, it is always better to look for healthier alternatives.

    • The first option is whole cane sugar, but we must make sure that it is really good quality whole sugar, as many brands market a dyed white sugar that is still harmful.
    • Also, we can dare with other sweeteners such as honey, agave syrup, cereal molasses or stevia, but then we will have to try with the textures, flavors and quantities to find the exact point in our recipes.

      Chocolate mousse recipe without cream


      • 150 gr of chocolate to melt or for desserts.
      • 3 organic eggs.
      • 3 tablespoons (90 gr) of brown or whole cane sugar.


      • We melt the chocolate in a double boiler and when it is ready, we add the three egg yolks and the sugar. We stir well to mix everything and let it cool.
      • At the same time, we can separate the three clearings and mount them to the point of snow.
      • We mix the two preparations very carefully so that the whipped whites do not lose their volume. We can do it with the help of a silicone spatula.
      • We distribute the mousse in the containers, better in glass, and let them cool in the fridge for at least 4 hours. It is best to prepare it the day before.

      We hope we enjoy this chocolate mousse, as it is a healthy recipe to consume when we want to indulge ourselves. Do you dare to try it?

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