Juices And Smoothies To Combat Hair Loss: Myth Or Reality?

In these times of change of season, hair tends to suffer more loss than usual. In addition, it is the season in which the consumption of supplements usually increases to combat it.

In this article we explain the most natural way to supplement your body to prevent and treat hair loss.

Thus, we can take daily juices and shakes that contain the necessary nutrients for your hair health. In addition, we will enjoy its delicious flavor. Give them a try!

Previous note

To combat hair loss, it is usually recommended  not to abuse salt and dairy products. Its excessive consumption could favor the fall of it, especially in the case of dairy products if we have problems digesting it. However, this recommendation is not supported by any study, so it is preferable to consult a specialist first.

In any case, we can replace them with a little sea water, in the case of salt, and with vegetable drinks, in the case of dairy products.

Finally, remember that these shakes are not a substitute for your meals, but a complement. The best ally to take care of both the health of your hair and yours in general is a balanced diet. It is also advisable to go to a doctor first, in the event that hair loss is excessive.

Oatmeal, fresh nettle and cinnamon smoothie

This original shake, although it may surprise us, tastes good.

The most prominent ingredient is fresh nettle. It is best to collect it directly using gloves and from some area that is not contaminated, away from the roads.

Nettle, rich in vitamins (such as A, B, C and K) and minerals (such as potassium, phosphorus and iron), is already part of many shampoos, and various studies support its properties against hair loss.

On the other hand, oatmeal is a very nutritious cereal that helps us take care of our hair and our skin. This is due to its richness in proteins, vitamins and minerals that help nourish the hair.

To prepare it, we will beat the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 4 tablespoons oat flakes
  • A handful of fresh green nettle leaves
  • 1 tablespoon Ceylon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons of cane sugar

If we wish, we can strain this smoothie so that it has a less lumpy texture. Also, we should always serve it cold.

green smoothie

Red grape juice with honey

This is an  easy remedy to prepare and it is also delicious. Red grapes contain tannins, flavonoids, protein, vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamins C, K, and E. They also contain potassium, phosphorus, and iron, among other minerals. Thus, all these components will help you nourish and strengthen your hair.

We can make the grape juice with a blender or with a mixer. In the second case, we must strain it before taking it. We will use organic red grapes, with seeds and skin included, since they are the parts of the fruit that have the most beneficial properties.

Next, we will sweeten the drink with quality honey. This will help us to hydrate the hair.

Normally, this juice is usually taken  on an empty stomach for 30 days.

grape juice

Green smoothie with brewer’s yeast

Green smoothies, which we’ve already talked about in other articles, can be great for your health. In addition, of course they could also help us to treat hair loss because they provide us with numerous vitamins and minerals.

For this problem, we recommend the following combination:

  • Spinach : they contain magnesium, folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamin C, which intervenes in the synthesis of collagen. This protein is part of the skin and helps to give hair firmness and elasticity.
  • Avocado : very nutritious and complete food.
  • Spirulina : it helps us, provides us with numerous proteins.
  • Brewer’s yeast : it is the natural nutrient that provides more B-complex vitamins, a considerable amount of essential amino acids and numerous minerals.

In addition, we will sweeten the shake with honey, cane syrup or agave syrup.

Mediterranean juice to combat hair loss

This juice contains typically Mediterranean ingredients. All of them could be very beneficial to prevent hair loss thanks to their protein intake.

  • Ripe tomato
  • Onion (it is rich in sulfur that favors the production of collagen)
  • Fresh basil leaf (it is antioxidant)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Apple vinager
  • A splash of seawater  to replace the salt

We should take it very cold. We can drink it as a starter before lunch.

Almond, fig and cocoa smoothie

This shake will please the whole family and will provide us with large amounts of magnesium and zinc above all. Nutrient deficiencies can promote hair loss, so it is advisable to take them.

In addition, it is very nutritious and energetic, so we recommend taking it throughout the morning. To make it, we only need:

  • A liter of water
  • Two handfuls of raw almonds, previously soaked for at least two hours
  • One tablespoon of bitter cocoa powder
  • 4 fresh or dried figs (soaked too)

Simply, we will beat the ingredients until the shake has a homogeneous texture. If the sweetness of the figs is not enough, we can sweeten the smoothie a little.

Images courtesy of vanessayavonne, DailyM, hepp and postbear

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