How To Report An Abusive Partner? 4 Tips

Reporting an abusive partner seems easy when this situation is experienced by someone else. However, when it happens in our own flesh, justifications (many irrational and absurd) prevent us from making this decision. Therefore, here are some tips that can help us.

Today, there are many options and resources available to us to report an abusive partner. However, we remain reluctant to use them. Let’s see, with these 4 tips, how to use them to protect ourselves from these harmful relationships.

How to report an abusive partner

Here are some helpful tips and ideas:

1. Call 016

Woman calling 016: report an abusive partner

Do we have doubts about whether we are living an abusive relationship? We do not know what to do? Well, let’s not hesitate and call 016. This is a number that leaves no trace on our bill, so we should not be afraid to use it.

As indicated by the help and awareness page on gender violence, the number 016 is completely free, has a 24-hour service and the people who will assist us are professionals. They will tell us what to do, where to go and give us emotional support.

2. Lean on family and friends

When we are living an abusive relationship, many times we do not want to see reality. Possibly, our friends and family have told us that this person is not good for us and that we should leave them. The truth is that they are right.

The people around us want the best for us and they try to open our eyes to what we cannot see. Therefore, we do not believe that we are alone or that we cannot report an abusive partner because we do not have anyone to support us.

3. Think of your children

Shadows of an argument between a couple and a child

Many times, we do not identify the abuse of children very well, something that is very well collected in an article published in the Mexican Journal of Agricultural Sciences. However, our justifications for the love that our partner claims we have can cause us to overlook the damage they are receiving.

However, the fact that they do not receive physical abuse but that they see how they attack us psychologically or physically is already an important damage they receive. Therefore, when in doubt about reporting an abusive partner, we must ask ourselves:

  • Is this the environment I want my children to grow up in?
  • Are you happy living this situation on a daily basis?
  • Why do I allow them to cry and worry about us when they are the children and we are the adults?
  • Is my partner really more important than my children?

4. Take action to report an abusive partner

This is the last of the tips to report an abusive partner and it consists of acting, as we would recommend doing to someone we appreciate. If the same thing happened to a friend or sister, wouldn’t we say “go and report it without thinking”?

The situation is easier when we see it in other people. Therefore, asking for help and supporting ourselves in the family is essential to take a perspective that takes us out of the immobility resulting from fear and allows us to act.

The silence of those who suffer

Woman stopping abuse with raised hand

Although the numbers of gender violence continue to increase, so does the absence of complaints. How many times does a person kill their partner without prior complaints? How many cases have we already heard or experienced closely where children, too, end up suffering the consequences?

The fear and egregious abuse makes it very difficult to take action. In addition, one strategy of abusers is to remove their partner from their environment. They separate her from her family, from her friends, and from anyone who can make her aware of what is happening.

It is important not to look the other way and insist on helping even when the person being abused does not want our help. Many times they do not see it. Sometimes it is fear and self-nullification that prevents them from making a decision.

We hope this article has allowed you to be aware that there is help around us. The “I don’t know what to do” or “no one is going to help me” are now over.

If you are bad, if you suffer and if your children are also suffering, ask for help. Getting out of that situation will discover a world where tranquility and happiness will cease to be a dream to become a reality.

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