How To Remove Acne Marks With Natural Remedies

After performing a treatment to remove pimples from the skin, the face is likely to be blotchy or marked. Those scars can be a bit difficult to remove, but it is not impossible. In the following article, you will learn about some recipes and home remedies to remove acne marks.

Home treatments for acne blemishes

Among the most outstanding advantages of these natural remedies, we can find the fact that they are not harmful to health ; In addition, they are very cheap and the ingredients can be obtained without problems, we will even surely have some in our house. If we use them, the skin will not be in contact with chemical or harmful products.

We can differentiate between two types of treatments to eliminate acne marks:

  • Citrus fruits: are based on a citrus fruit or vegetable, which work to lighten the appearance of the skin, get rid of dead skin and block the production of sebum, so that pimples do not reappear. These remedies should be applied at night and you should not leave the house before rinsing your face well, because it can cause blemishes.
  • The oils: mixing several essential oils or using them as a base for a home remedy that eliminates acne and scars reduces the characteristic reddish pigmentation. The results are achieved if the treatment is carried out at night and daily.

Natural remedies to remove acne marks

Rosehip oil

To make use of this first natural remedy, pour a few drops of this essential oil dissolved in water on a cotton ball. Then, apply to the places where the stains were left.

Coconut oil and turmeric

Mix one tablespoon of coconut oil with one teaspoon of turmeric or saffron. Apply to the skin every day at bedtime; it is a really very effective treatment.

Brown sugar

Melt some brown sugar or panela in boiling water to make it thick. If you have oily skin, add a few drops of lemon juice; On the other hand, if your skin is dry, put a few drops of olive oil. Finally, let it cool and apply to the affected area.

Beer yeast

This home remedy is used to prevent acne from reappearing. Take a tablespoon with meals, daily. You can also make a mask by mixing it with a little milk; apply this paste on your face, let it dry and rinse.

Pineapple puree

Mash a slice of fresh pineapple into a puree. Then apply to the face where there are spots and leave for 15 minutes.

Thanks to the great contribution of vitamin C of this fruit, the dermis will be able to produce more collagen. In turn, it has ascorbic acid, which fades acne scars and allows a gentle exfoliation.


Sodium bicarbonate

This ingredient has many benefits. That is why it is used for many purposes, both in the world of cosmetics and in that of health or the home.

To take advantage of its benefits, apply baking soda directly to acne scars and wet with a little water to spread better. Let it work for a few seconds and then wash your skin with warm water.


This flower has antiseptic properties ; It is one of the best home remedies to remove acne marks. Make an infusion with a tablespoon of chamomile flowers per cup of water, let it cool and apply wet compresses to the skin.

aloe vera

How could it be otherwise, aloe vera or aloe vera is an undisputed ally when it comes to aesthetics and health. Extract the pulp from a stem and apply to the skin every night;  subsequently, let it absorb and dry, without rinsing.

Lemon juice

It is used to lighten the dark spots that remain on the skin due to acne. Apply all over the face before going to sleep and do not go outside before rinsing well, since its acids can offer the opposite effect.

Antiseptic lemon

Olive oil

It is an effective treatment to remove acne marks. To use it, you must soak a cotton ball with a few drops and spread over the affected area. If you are looking for an exfoliating effect, you can apply some pressure by wiping the cotton.

Crushed tomato

This fruit has vitamin A, which is used to repair and rejuvenate the skin. You just have to crush half a tomato and apply on the face; leave it for about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.


Honey is used to moisturize the skin and, in addition, it removes the scars that have remained. It is also good for color matching. Apply a layer on the face, leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.

Vitamin C

Diet also has a lot to do with improving the treatments you choose. Therefore, do not hesitate to add some beneficial ingredients to your diet, such as fish and soy (rich in collagen), strawberries, raspberries and blackberries (for vitamin C) and tomatoes (for lycopene).

Egg white

Separate the yolks from the whites and use the latter; beat well until you get a thick paste. If you have oily skin, apply a little lemon juice for best results.

Wash your face well and apply the mask. After this, let it work for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat between two or three times a week; This will make the red acne marks disappear.

Nutmeg and milk

Mix a tablespoon of milk with grated nutmeg and spread over your face to remove dead skin and quench skin marks left by pimples.

Emmey spice milk

Choose the method that you like the most from this extensive list and experiment to see its magnificent results. They are all good and no expenses are required!

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