How To Attract Luck: 7 Psychological Keys With Which You Can Achieve It

Attracting luck is not a matter of magic or of invoking the famous and not always infallible law of attraction on a daily basis. As Isaac Asimov told us, “luck only favors the prepared mind” and, therefore, it is necessary that we train psychologically.

It is true that we cannot deny that, on a day-to-day basis, there is always a small space for that “luck factor”. The one that makes certain things go well, almost without knowing how .

However, we cannot always rely on that element. Whatever life brings, we must be prepared for everything. For this reason, there is nothing better than developing certain practices on a day-to-day basis with which to ensure that opportunities are always in our favor.

Here’s how to do it.

Attract luck: basic tips

Attract luck

1. Discover and enhance your strengths

Attracting luck requires, first of all, knowing where to look for it. Whether we want destiny to help us in relationship matters, in work matters or in any other aspect, nothing better than to start cultivating personal growth.

To do this, we must be aware of what our strengths are and take advantage of them, take advantage of them to feel safe, to create a positive image of ourselves and combine confidence.

Let’s face it, when someone trusts themselves nothing can stop them. It will be then when you will see free paths where before you saw walls and opportunities where yesterday you thought you saw closed doors. Let’s not hesitate to follow these simple steps to enhance our strengths:

  • Let’s remember everything that we accomplished in the past.
  • Let’s discover what our virtues and talents are.
  • Let us trust in our abilities.

2. Keep an open mind to attract luck

Having an open mind is not as easy as we initially think. This attitude, this capacity for reception to experience, connection to the environment and sensitivity requires a series of psychological capacities :

  • Having faced our limiting attitudes, those fears and insecurities that prevent us from daring and leaving our comfort zone.
  • Confidence in oneself and in others. The open mind is always receptive to what others tell you, to other people’s opinions, to thoughts other than your own. He knows how to open up to them to learn, to integrate what allows him to grow as a person to continue advancing with more wisdom.
  • On the other hand, an open mind is also one that leaves stereotypes aside, that is not carried away by the opinions of others, by what society dictates.

It is a free mind that seeks to experiment  and, in doing so, finds things and people that enrich it, that bring it luck.

3. Look for opportunities

Luck is not expected on the sofa at home, it does not come wrapped in a gift or attached to the people around us on a daily basis. Luck is created, worked, sought and pursued. In reality, it is a daily task that requires great effort and perseverance, coupled with some personal intuition.

  • To do this, the first thing we must do is clarify objectives and know well what we want.
  • Once the goal is defined, we will work on it without deviating from that horizon. We will put aside the opinions of others or what others think of us.

4. Train your sixth sense

The sixth sense is not a capacity based on precognition nor is it a supernatural gift. In reality, it is a psychological dimension that not all of us take advantage of as it deserves.

  • The sixth sense is the essence of experience, the perfume of everything felt, lived and learned.
  • It is like a trunk where the conscious mind tends to reach for quick answers when it needs them most.
  • Sometimes that sixth sense is the one that gives us the best advice on how to be lucky.

Because that is where what we really want hides, what is in tune with us.

5. Connect with people, meet new people

The more people we meet, the more experiences we will have, the more information we will have in our favor and the greater opportunities we will see on our horizon.

It is not about having a wide network of friends. It is based only on being open, sociable and receptive to everything that surrounds us so that in this way life is richer in sensations, in doors that open to us and in new learnings that, little by little, will make luck be. in our favour.

6. To attract luck, get out of your comfort zone

Woman after overcoming emotional dependence

The comfort zone, far from what we can think of, is a place that we should all have on hand to feel good, to be safe and to enjoy that routine that, in a way, shapes the balance of our lives.

However, from time to time it is necessary to cross that barrier to continue growing as people, measure our fears, overcome ourselves and allow new things to come, things that make us happy.

If we stay where we are, nothing changes, and luck, by itself, may never knock on the door.

7. Stay away from toxic people

There will always be people who will try to bring us down. Their fear of our success will be strong and, therefore, this class of individuals will try to nullify us and make us feel that we do not deserve what we want.

It is essential to stay away from these toxic people. They won’t do us any good and rob us of energy.

8. Trust yourself and be patient

Nothing is achieved in two days, nothing is achieved from today to tomorrow. There will be days when we collapse because it seems that luck is going in the opposite direction and glued to other people.

People who, in our eyes, perhaps do not deserve so many privileges. Let’s not feed this focus. Let us be freer, more humble and focus on ourselves to understand that the most wonderful things come with patience and perseverance.

Never throw in the towel

To attract luck you do not need spells. You just have to trust yourself, follow these guidelines, and especially be very patient about it. The big changes, as we have already mentioned, take time to come.

Try to be happy with what you have, respect yourself and keep your dignity. When you least expect it, luck will come knocking at your door.

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