Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Did you know that there are thousands of ways to make a grilled cheese sandwich? We are not only referring to the ingredients that you can carry between the breads, but also to the ways of preparation. Keep reading this article to find out more.

How to Make Grilled Cheese Sandwich

If you have run out of sandwiches and when you opened the fridge you realized that you should have gone to the market, don’t worry! If you want to eat something healthier than hamburgers or pizzas, don’t hesitate to prepare a delicious and classic grilled cheese sandwich. It is very easy to prepare and the result is delicious.


  • Thinly sliced ​​cheese (about 3 per sandwich)
  • Bread of choice (1 per sandwich)
  • 2 butter spoons
  • Additional seasonings (such as onion, ham, pepper, tomato, lettuce).

To make this delicious sandwich, you hardly need any utensils. You just need to have a knife, a spoon, a plate, and a spatula on hand.


Sliced ​​cheese to make a sandwich

In all cases it is the same. You just have to cut the bread horizontally and butter each side. In one of them (better the one that was “underneath” so that it does not move) you have to first arrange the slices of cheese and then all the other ingredients that you want to add. Close with the other lid and you’re done.

Also, of course, you can eat it like that. But if you are looking for something different, you may want to know the various ways to prepare a grilled cheese sandwich :

To the frying pan

  • Put a teaspoon of butter in the pan and heat to melt.
  • Put the sandwich on and let the bread toast well. With the spatula, turn it to heat the other side as well (you can put a little more butter so it doesn’t burn and it tastes the same).
  • Repeat for each sandwich. It is best to do them one by one, or at most two at the same time to make it simpler.
  • Do not leave more than 1 minute per side, if you spend … it will be charred!

In electric oven or toaster

Sandwich bread

If you don’t have an oven and you only have a toaster, you can also make a grilled cheese sandwich. A good idea is to put it together later. This means that first you put the bread with the butter and the cheese and when one has been toasted and the others melted, take them out and put all the additional ingredients you want.

In the case of using the electric oven, make sure it is at 170 ° C, if you do not want the sandwich to burn. The same steps can be applied in a “traditional” oven.

In the grill

For the warmer days of spring or summer, when we spend many hours outdoors, we can enjoy a delicious grilled cheese sandwich.

  • To do this,  first place the bread on the grill with a slice of the cheese that you like the most (cheddar, tybo, mozzarella, etc.).
  • Wait for it to toast before adding the second layer of bread, don’t forget the butter!
  • Turn and when it has toasted well, remove with a skewer or spatula.
  • The good thing about this option is that if you have a good space, you can prepare several sandwiches at the same time and nobody will be waiting for their portion!

In the microwave

For modern mothers or those who always have the minutes counted.

  • First put the bread in the toaster so that it is not white.
  • Then spread the butter and arrange the cheese slices.
  • Put the other slice of bread. Heat for 30 seconds in the microwave. Be careful, it can be very hot!

    As you can see, preparing this grilled cheese sandwich is very simple and you can give it a final touch in different ways. In five minutes you will have a delight on your table.

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