Green Apple, Cucumber And Ginger Juice For Weight Loss

Although the ingredient that adds the most flavor to this mixture is ginger, the apple also provides a particular taste, as well as a pleasant texture. On the other hand, the cucumber helps to soften the flavor of the ginger and make all the ingredients combine well.

A green juice can be a healthy alternative to that cola or flavored (industrial) water that you often drink. Yes, it is true that you should take a few minutes to prepare it, but it is worth investing in it for the various benefits that its consumption can provide.

When you prepare homemade drinks, without sugar or other sweeteners, you can benefit from the contributions of its ingredients, and maintain an adequate weight. In addition, you avoid excessive consumption of salt and sugar, two ingredients that are very present in industrial options and that are harmful to health.

The option that we propose below combines three ingredients: apple, ginger and cucumber.

Green juices, a healthy option

Green juices are characterized by combining the contributions of ingredients of vegetable origin to obtain rich, satiating and digestive preparations.

Of course, they also help to obtain various nutrients, to some extent, and even antioxidants, which contribute to the health of the whole organism.

Dr. Frank Lipman recommends consuming green juices as an occasional “treat” to complement the diet and not as a method of weight loss as such. So, you should keep in mind that it is a drink that you can include within a healthy lifestyle.


Why would this green juice support weight loss?

First of all, as the apple is a food rich in fiber (pectin), it would help regulate intestinal transit and support the expulsion of waste. This would alleviate inflammation in the abdominal area and contribute, in a certain way, to weight loss.

The apple is a very healthy fruit. It is very low in sodium, calories and fat, so it turns out to be a great support when it comes to losing a few extra kilos.

Second, ginger is a root that can be used both fresh and powdered and has digestive and anti-inflammatory properties that reinforce the contribution of the apple.

Third, cucumber is the ingredient that complements the preparation of the drink, providing a large amount of fiber and water, which are essential for the digestion process.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that cucumber is a food widely used in weight loss diets since it is low in calories. This vegetable does not contain fat and, instead, is rich in water and fiber. 

Cloth bag with vegetable food.

Green juice recipe for weight loss

Now that we have reviewed the contributions of each of its ingredients, below we will see how to prepare, in the blink of an eye, a delicious green juice to lose weight.


  • 1 medium cucumber.
  • 1 green apple.
  • Fresh ginger, grated (5 g).
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).


  • Wash the cucumber. Then chop or slice it. Removing the skin is optional.
  • Cut the apple and core it. Discard it along with the seeds.
  • Cut the apple into small cubes.
  • Put everything in the blender.
  • Add the teaspoon of grated ginger and the glass of water to facilitate the blending.
  • Process everything for a few seconds at medium speed until smooth.
  • Serve and consume your green juice as part of your breakfast or mid-morning snack.
  • If you want, you can add a few ice cubes.

green drinks.

This juice is a healthy alternative

At present it is very common to consume natural drinks of all kinds. Infusions, teas, flavored waters, smoothies, shakes, juices, and smoothies . These are a healthy and delicious alternative to industrial drinks.

Remember that the green juice that we share here is just one more supplement that you can add to your diet. It is not a solution to lose weight in a short time.

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