Ginger, Lemon And Honey Syrup For Sore Throat

Ginger, lemon and honey syrup is one of those simple homemade preparations that grandmothers say we can use whenever we want to relieve the discomfort derived from sore throats.

Have you ever tried it? Do you have a particular recipe or not yet? Don’t worry, below we will tell you more about it and we will give you some recipes so that you can choose the option that most catches your attention.

Ginger Lemon Honey Syrup – Why These 3 Ingredients?

Bottles of a thousand with ginger root, lemons and white garlic.

The ginger, lemon and honey syrup is made with these three ingredients in particular because all three are attributed medicinal properties. Broadly speaking, what is usually said is the following:

  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system, while fighting viruses and bacteria.
  • Honey is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and texture that helps to soften and hydrate the oral cavity and thus, soothe irritation.
  • Ginger has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties that would also help soothe a sore throat. Its spicy taste is believed to suggest that it can also fight viruses and bacteria.

Preparing the ginger, lemon and honey syrup

According to popular wisdom, to prepare a good ginger, lemon and honey syrup it is convenient to use fresh ginger and lemons, as well as an artisanal honey. Honey from the supermarket is not a recommended option because it has a large amount of added sugars, which modify its quality.

Honey bees heart.


  • Honey from bees.
  • 4 cups of water.
  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger.
  • Optional: 1 orange slice, 1 cinnamon stick.


  • Squeeze the lemon juice and reserve in the fridge.
  • Clean the fresh ginger, peel it with a spoon and cut it into small pieces. Or if you wish, grate it (this is usually the most used modality).
  • Take the lemon juice out of the fridge, pour it into the blender along with the honey.
  • Add the grated ginger and process until smooth.
  • Store the mixture in an airtight glass jar in a dark, dry place.

Once ready, you can consume a tablespoon of the syrup after a main meal or, along with a chamomile infusion before going to sleep. It will help you soothe throat discomfort and feel better.

The grandmothers recommend consuming the syrup in a short period of time from its preparation, since this way the properties of its ingredients are better used. Therefore, avoid preparing large quantities. A small pot is enough.

Is there any other way to enjoy it?

Instead of consuming it by the spoonful, another option to enjoy the previous syrup is to take it together with a tea made with one of its main ingredients, ginger.

To prepare the tea, you just have to cut two very thin slices of ginger and bring them to a boil with a cup of water. Remove from the heat and finally add a few drops of the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon and dilute a tablespoon of the syrup into the mixture.

Additionally, you can try the following: put a few slices of ginger, a few slices of lemon with peel and a few tablespoons of honey in an airtight glass jar.

Then, mix well and consume a tablespoon when you feel down or sick, without neglecting the treatment that your doctor has prescribed. This kind of jelly can be kept for three months in the fridge, always covered.

Remember, the remedies can be complements in some cases, but in no case are they a substitute for what the professional indicates.

Guidelines for a good recovery

While moderate consumption of ginger, lemon, and honey syrup for sore throats can help relieve a good recovery, consider the following:

  • Maintain good hydration. Avoid drinking less than 4-5 glasses of water a day when you have congestion and feel bad.
  • Always follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor and if you have any questions, consult with the professional or, failing that, the pharmacist.
  • In case you experience other symptoms or feel that those already present are aggravated, consult your doctor.
  • Avoid self-medication and random use of natural remedies. 
  • Consume the syrup of ginger, lemon and honey in a complementary way, never as a substitute for medical treatment.
  • Also, avoid consuming large amounts of the syrup, as it contains a lot of sugar.

    Ginger, lemon and honey syrup is a very widespread grandmother’s remedy, therefore, it is part of the tradition of many people in the world. If you are going to prepare it, remember to do it in small quantities and with quality ingredients.

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