Fruits To Eliminate Abdominal Swelling

Just as there are foods that increase constipation, inflammation and gas, there are others that help us with these problems, such as certain vegetables. In this article we tell you which are the best fruits to eliminate abdominal bloating.

Add them to your diet now!

Fruits: allies against abdominal bloating

Eat fruits rich in water

Having bad eating habits results in many complications, both physical and aesthetic.

In addition to a swollen abdomen, flatulence or constipation, we feel “heavy”, unwilling to do anything and somewhat depressed when we try on our clothes in front of the mirror.

For this reason we must have a healthier diet and, above all, full of fibers that help us in the elimination of waste and fat.

  • The poor selection of nutrients that we consume on a daily basis is the first thing we must change.
  • Then, add more fresh and natural foods, such as fruits, because they have digestive properties, are low in fat and are rich in water.

In turn, they provide us with a good amount of fibers that allow the evacuation of toxins.

  • It is recommended not to abuse any particular variety and to vary the intakes throughout the day. The appropriate amount is 5 pieces a day (for example, 1 at breakfast, 1 at mid-morning, 1 after lunch, 1 at snack, and 1 after dinner).

What are the best fruits for abdominal bloating?

fruit salad

While all fruits are good for this purpose, the truth is that some varieties are more effective than others. If you want to reduce abdominal bloating, constipation and gas, we recommend the following:


Oranges and grapefruits are 90% water. For this reason they are perfect for eliminating fluids that accumulate in the body (a defense mechanism that the body has to avoid dehydration).

Citrus fruits also eliminate the sodium we eat in food. In the case of lemon, it is a diuretic and a natural laxative  that favors weight reduction, according to this study carried out by Sugiyama Jogakuen University (Japan).



It is another of the fruits full of water that we can take advantage of to excrete excess fluid accumulated in the belly.

Within this group of natural diuretics we also find peaches and melons. All of them help in the elimination of liquids and sodium and, therefore, in the reduction of inflammation.


Many times abdominal bloating is caused by an inability to digest well the food consumed or by intolerance to certain ingredients.

If for some reason the stomach enzymes can’t do their job well, fats and carbohydrates “spend more time” in it, causing bloating and gas.

The avocado, according to this study by the Dr. Salvador Allende University (Chile), works as an anti-inflammatory. In addition, by providing a lot of potassium, it eliminates the water accumulated in the belly.


The pineapple or pineapple has 85% water in its composition. But that’s not all since, in addition, it provides a digestive enzyme called bromelain. This peptide breaks down the proteins found in the stomach and reduces inflammation, as stated in this study carried out by Sri Ramachandra University (India).

For centuries this fruit has been used in America to treat indigestion. And, being satiating, avoid eating food at all times.


Rich in water and pectin, the apple offers us multiple benefits. For example eliminating fluids, reducing abdominal bloating and satiating your appetite.

It also has the ability to “melt” fat, increase urination and detoxify the body.

Apples have a lot of fiber and amino acids that satisfy the appetite and improve digestion.

It is recommended to eat them with the skin (after washing them very well) to avoid gaining weight.

As if this were not enough, it is a fruit that prevents cavities, whites teeth and, fundamentally, prevents cardiovascular diseases. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Talca (Chile).


Both the juice and the seeds of this fruit are powerful allies if we want to lose weight and reduce abdominal bloating, according to this study carried out by the University of Tuscia (Italy).


A delicious fruit that perfectly combines sweetness and acidity. A great source of fiber and water, strawberries are perfect for controlling weight and improving digestion.

Its caloric intake is almost zero (for this we must eat them alone without sugar or cream) and, in addition, it acts as a powerful diuretic and cleanser of the body.


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