Foods And Nutrients With A High Natural Healing Power

There are several foods that, due to their nutritional composition, have a natural healing power that can be useful when recovering after surgery, injury and, of course, to maintain good skin health in general.

Generally, it is said that the healing power of certain foods comes, above all, from vitamin K.  This nutrient favors the growth and healing of injured tissues.

What is and what is vitamin K for?

Generally speaking, vitamin K is a nutrient that helps maintain healthy body tissues. For this reason it is not only essential for the health of the skin, but also for the bone apparatus, blood, among others.

It is interesting to know that in a study carried out in rodents, it was observed that the topical application of vitamin K1 helped to heal wounds. Therefore, it has been sought to develop topical products that help accelerate the healing of the skin.

Foods rich in vitamin K that support healing.

What are the key nutrients for healing and healthy skin?

In addition to this vitamin, we also need a series of essential nutrients for the body to function properly and the healing processes to occur properly. Especially after having suffered an injury.

Some experts indicate that “there are some foods that are more linked than others in the healing process due to the nutrients they contain, especially when it comes to B vitamins, vitamins C and K, zinc, among others.”

Next we will discuss what these foods are and how they can benefit us if we include them in a healthy lifestyle, in moderation.

Foods with vitamin K

Green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, watercress, spinach, turnips, mustard greens, beet greens, chard, turnip greens, chicory, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, broccoli.

Also chives, chili powder, curry, prunes. Finally, many medicinal herbs like the fresh parsley, cilantro, oregano and fresh basil.

Foods with vitamin A

Foods with vitamin A (such as red pepper, carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, all green leafy vegetables, cantaloupe, dried apricots, etc.) also help heal wounds. Therefore, it is advisable to include them in moderation, within a proper diet.

Although we all need it to be healthy, this vitamin is said to be especially necessary for people suffering from intestinal inflammations and Crohn’s disease.

Healthy oils

Both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are very suitable to promote healing. We can consume them in recipes or in topical use through the skin. This will allow us to obtain good results when it comes to healing wounds or injuries.

The healthiest oils that have a high healing power are olive oil, coconut oil and seed oil.

Does vitamin C have a healing power too?

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a basic power when it comes to healing. It is therefore essential that at times when, for example, you have undergone a surgical intervention, you increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables with this vitamin.

All of us need an adequate supply of vitamin C for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, both internal and external. It is essential to synthesize a protein that helps cells, tissues, tendons and muscles.

Some foods that contain vitamin C are kiwis, mangoes, strawberries, limes, oranges, melons, tomatoes, gooseberries, grapefruits, pineapples, broccoli, watercress, kale, coriander, turnips.

Always lean on a good diet

We must always remember that, although it is important to rely on a good diet to be healthy, we must also try to maintain other good lifestyle habits and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Our well-being depends on multiple factors and we must try to be attentive to all of them. 

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