Eye Bags: How To Fight This Problem

Bags under the eyes are a very annoying aesthetic problem that affects both women and men. The inflammation under the eyes we notice it especially in moments of fatigue. However, this problem can appear due to hereditary causes, fluid retention, allergies, reaction to medications or lack of sleep.

Unfortunately, to completely remove the bags, surgery is often necessary. In any case, before making a decision in this regard, consult your doctor or your ophthalmologist to be sure of it.

We also recommend that you learn about the different natural treatments that could help reduce inflammation and, thus, hide this problem more. Do you want to know some keys and treatments to reduce eye bags?

Keys to reducing bags under the eyes

  • Get adequate rest. One of the main causes of bags under the eyes is fatigue. Therefore, it is very important to sleep at least 8 hours a day without interruptions. To do this, you can do activities that help you relax.
  • Reduce your salt intake. This ingredient is one of the causes of fluid retention and as a consequence the appearance of bags under the eyes.
  • Drink water. Dehydration is one of the causes of bags under the eyes.
  • Include diuretic foods in the diet. Diuretic foods facilitate digestion and help eliminate accumulated fluids in the body.
  • Avoid sun exposure.  Bags under the eyes can also appear due to the effect of UVA rays.
  • Avoid chemical cosmetics. Some people tend to have an allergic skin reaction and swelling in the eyes from the use of certain chemical cosmetics. In this case, it is good to stop using certain beauty products to identify if any of them are influencing the appearance of the bags.
  • Stop smoking. The toxins produced by tobacco affect the tissues around the eyes.
  • Reduce your intake of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol also increases fluid retention.

Remedies to reduce bags under the eyes

Here are some remedies that can help you reduce eye bags. All in all, these, by themselves, won’t make the bags disappear.

If you have bags under your eyes, it is best to see a doctor or ophthalmologist to recommend the appropriate treatment. However, these remedies can be good for improving the appearance of bags.

Thus, both the previous keys and these remedies can be a complement to the drugs or therapies recommended by a specialist.

Potato and cucumber

What properties does raw potato juice have

Thus, they could contribute to the reduction of bags under the eyes if they are previously refrigerated in the refrigerator. The slices should be placed over the eyes to cover the area of ​​the bags and let them act for about 20 minutes.

Green Tea

Green Tea

According to popular beliefs, green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that would help reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes. It would also have soothing properties that could help relax this area of ​​the face and, in addition, its antioxidant content could supposedly help cleanse the skin of harmful substances.

However, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the United States, although quite a few studies have been carried out on green tea and its extracts, no definitive conclusions have been reached on beneficial effects on the purposes for which it is employed.

For its application, you would have to prepare a couple of infused green tea bags and let it cool down to room temperature. Then put the compresses on your eyes for 15 minutes.

In short, although it could be possible that certain healthy habits or remedies can help prevent or reduce bags under the eyes, it could be that genetics had such an influence that we have no choice but to opt for surgery. Put yourself in the hands of a specialist to inform you about the most convenient treatment.

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