Excess Maturity Does Not Make You Happier

Excess maturity can manifest itself from children due to certain situations. We must learn to delegate responsibilities and allow our inner child to remain present in our day to day

Enjoying an excess of maturity is very positive in the eyes of others. However, it is not gold everything that shines. Many people are singled out for their lack of maturity. They are childish, they do not assume their responsibilities but, in return, they seem very happy.

This is not the case with everything. The worries, the problems not according to their age, the seriousness, feeling older. All this causes them a lot of uneasiness.

It is true that everything has its positive and negative side. However, excess maturity is not a choice, but a consequence.

Childhood experiences

Have you ever met a small child who looked like an adult? His way of speaking, of acting with respect to other children.

It seems out of place.

Excess maturity manifests itself at a very early age, but it is not until later stages of development that it begins to present problems.

The reason for all this comes from chaotic situations. It will be strange to meet a little adult who has a happy childhood.

Normally, the circumstances where there are separated parents, aggressive divorces, emotional deficiencies, alcohol or drug use by the parents cause some children to mature earlier.

I feel out of place


It will not be until adolescence when excess maturity marks the relationships and the vision that the young person will have of what happens around him.

Suddenly, you will find that it does not fit. Their thoughts conform to those of older people.

You continually notice that you are unable to adapt to young people your own age.

These adolescents will be characterized by a great responsibility towards their studies.

Neglecting the inner child

We are already in the adult stage, in which it might seem that the maladjustment problems end, but it is not.

You realize that around you there are children disguised as adults, many more than you think.

Over-mature people become so concerned about others that they forget about themselves.

They tend to have trouble being assertive, they worry about thinking about how others can react if they come to oppose them.

That is why they conform. They are not leaders but followers. This, at times, will cause many to mistake your generosity for submission.

Fears and control

Feeling uncomfortable and insecure is not a perfect circumstance for an overly mature person. She wants to be in control of her fears.

However, doing this has the opposite effect.

  • It prevents you from leaving your comfort zone: You know it will be good to do it, but something is holding you back.
  • Changes are not your thing: You play it safe because that is where the control lies.
  • You can’t play and have fun: You feel stiff, corseted. You no longer know what it is like to stop worrying and enjoy yourself.

The result is nothing but great unhappiness.

Letting go of excess maturity


It is very difficult to get out of this situation. Letting go of those burdens that cause us to stick to a pattern of behavior that we ourselves throw on our backs.

We have had to grow very fast, acquire responsibilities that should not be in our hands.

The joys of our age are not such, the feeling of loneliness increases.

When you feel bad, unhappy about all this, start to see things differently. I know you have this great ability.

You feel out of place, so start shaping your own world. Accept and enhance all the good you have.

Stop thinking that you have an obligation to do something if you don’t feel like it. Do not carry it out just because it is well regarded.

Allow your most childish part to come out  more often. Maybe it already does. You may not have noticed.

An action, a word, intonation … can show that your ā€œIā€ more child needs to be present.

Shame will appear, but do you prefer that to feel good?

Excess maturity you can never change, but it is in your hands to break that control, those beliefs and attitudes that restrict you and make you feel unhappy.

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