Energetic And Healthy Breakfast Without Dairy, Flour Or Sugar

To have an energetic breakfast it is not necessary to always resort to dairy products, refined flours and sugar. It is possible to enjoy a good meal first thing in the morning by combining other foods.

An energetic breakfast helps build strength and enthusiasm  to get your daily activities off to a good start. For this reason, many people consider it to be the most important meal of the day.

Today, with the rise of vegetarianism and veganism, we have seen that there are many healthy breakfast options that can help to vary the diet and not always fall into the same: cereals with milk, coffee and bread.

Coffee, a very popular drink at breakfast

Generally, many people get up, wash their face, and the first thing they do is go make a cup of coffee. This is his first morning ritual. Now, is it convenient to drink a cup of coffee as soon as you wake up?

According to Cecilia Lobato, an expert in Nutrition, it is not advisable to consume coffee as soon as we get out of bed. Ideally, wait about 90 minutes. And he explains why: if we drink coffee as soon as we wake up, we inhibit the activity of cortisol (the hormone that keeps us alert).

How to give up the taste of that first cup of coffee? What to drink then? some will ask. Well, Lobato recommends opting for the simplest: have the first cup of decaffeinated coffee and then the usual cup. 

Where does caffeine come from?

Benefits of an energetic breakfast

An energetic breakfast can provide us with the following benefits:

  • We will feel satiated throughout the morning and we will not need to snack on any other food.
  • We can feel smart enough to start our activities. We will also have better spirits.
  • We will be satisfied and avoid the consumption of unhealthy groceries.  
  • On the other hand, we can maintain a good digestion process and a regular intestinal transit.

An energetic breakfast proposal

We can take the following proposal once a week or two. It is not necessary that we maintain it every day always. Keep in mind that part of the basis for a good diet also lies in maintaining variety. 


  • ½ cup of honey (100 g)
  • Coconut oil (required amount)
  • ½ cup of cocoa powder (120 g)
  • 1 cup of dried fruits: raisins, plums, dates (160 g)
  • 1 cup of seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia (160 g)
  • 3 cups of chopped nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts (300 g)


  • First, we will mix the nuts, the dried fruits (chopped) and the seeds in a bowl.
  • In another bowl, we will mix the honey and coconut oil. If they are hardened, we must heat them in a water bath so that they are liquid. Then we will add the cocoa powder.
  • Then, we will mix the contents of the two bowls.
  • When everything is well integrated we will spread this dough on a tray, which we will cool and keep in the fridge.
  • Finally, in an hour we will have a kind of fruit and seed cake ready that we can cut into smaller bars.
  • We will always keep the bars in the fridge until it is time to consume them, since coconut oil melts if it is above 23 ºC.

The contribution of each of these ingredients

An energetic breakfast can be made up of different healthy and nutritious foods. The following contains nuts as the main ingredients, which in addition to being satiating, are sources of several essential nutrients and healthy fatty acids.

Nuts, an excellent option


The most beneficial way to consume them is by putting raw nuts, without roasting or frying, without added salt or sugar. As accompaniments, fruits are ideal.

Dry fruits

Also, dried fruits, among which we highlight plums, grapes and dates, are rich in sugars and fiber. They also help regulate bowel function and relieve us from craving unhealthy sweet edibles.


The seeds are very complete foods that, despite their small size, concentrate several nutrients. They are an excellent option to add to all kinds of recipes, as well as to our nutritious breakfast.

Honey bee

Honey is a food high in calories and sugar that can help you get enough energy to start your day. According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), for every 100 grams about 295 kilocalories are obtained. 

Cocoa for an energetic breakfast with punch


Pure and bitter cocoa is a food that we can consume regularly instead of chocolate, which usually contains a lot of sugar.

Cocoa gives us energy, improves muscle health and gives us a pleasant feeling of well-being. In addition, it contains antioxidants that provide various health benefits for the entire body.

Have a healthy and delicious breakfast, every day

It is worth having a healthy and delicious breakfast every day. There are many options to configure energetic, healthy breakfasts (and if you like, vegan), the ones we have discussed here are just some of the ones you can choose without dairy.

We encourage you to make your own versions and also accompany them with healthy and delicious drinks, such as good juices, smoothies or homemade smoothies with fruits and vegetable drinks. You will love them!

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