Do You Suffer From Rheumatoid Arthritis? These Are The 6 Foods That You Should Include In Your Breakfast

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of some foods we can help control the inflammation caused by arthritis while protecting the joints against wear and tear

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and painful disease. It is characterized by the weakening of the joints and their connective tissues. In addition, it is one of the autoimmune inflammatory diseases that tend to affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

Its main symptom is a sensation of joint stiffness and pain that, as it becomes more severe, causes limitations in the ability to move and noticeable deformations.

Although it develops in different ways for each person, in different areas of the body, most have to deal with recurring pain due to inflammation.

Fortunately, thanks to the properties of some foods, many of these reactions can be mitigated, improving the effects of treatment to cope with it.

Also, it is good to know that, you can add some sources of important nutrients that help fight this condition.

Taking into account that many are interested in knowing what they are, below we want to reveal the 6 best.

Don’t stop trying them!

6 foods you can include in your breakfast to improve arthritis

1. Berries


Most fruits are healthy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, but among the most recommended, berries or red fruits are especially worth mentioning.

This category is one of the main sources of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that, after being assimilated in the body, promote the relief of the symptoms of this condition.

Thanks to its high contribution of vitamin C, an antioxidant nutrient, it helps to improve collagen synthesis to achieve stronger ligaments and tendons. They also contain anthocyanins and carotenoids, two powerful medicinal substances that control the level of inflammation triggered by free radicals.

Therefore, be sure to consume during breakfast:

  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes
  • Plums

2. Whole grains

Whole grains are a highly recommended variety of food for people who are battling the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. These natural sources of complex carbohydrates and fibers are great allies in fighting inflammation, relieving pain and the feeling of stiffness.

On the other hand, they have digestive and detoxifying properties that, when taking effect, promote the relief of toxins that are retained in the colon. In addition, its significant contribution of selenium controls inflammatory imbalances, in turn, helps regulate body fluids.

3. Flax seeds

Flax or linseed seeds have become popular around the world as a healthy supplement to lose weight, prolong feelings of fullness, and improve heart functions.

However, beyond such important benefits, it is good to know that it is also a very good food for people with inflammatory disorders such as arthritis.

This is due to its high content of vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids whose assimilation exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on the joints.

  • Feel free to ingest them in smoothies, cookies, and other healthy breakfast preparations.

4. Kiwi juice

Natural kiwi juice provides the body with significant amounts of vitamin C. Which is a powerful antioxidant whose synthesis is essential to protect the collagen that keeps cartilage in good condition.

This nutrient promotes the cleansing process of the blood and, incidentally, removes excess harmful substances such as toxins and uric acid.

Keep in mind that it also has significant amounts of dietary fiber, a key nutrient for good digestive and metabolic health.

5. Extra virgin olive oil 

Benefits of olive oil

Although many prefer to consume olive oil at other times of the day, it is good to know that its healthy fats are very good when ingested from the first meal in the morning.

Consuming it for breakfast, either on its own or with breads and smoothies, provides the body with a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that, when absorbed, control the level of inflammation.

In addition, it is a great source of energy for the body and, after ingesting it, it supports the functions of metabolism.

6. Banana

Banana is a satiating and energetic fruit that, when consumed during breakfast, helps to keep the body satisfied and active throughout the day.

Due to its high concentration of potassium, magnesium and other essential minerals, it is a good ally for arthritis sufferers. This is because it  helps regulate inflammation and fluid retention in the tissues.

Finally, although the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis should include other healthy habits, it is good to consider these foods as a supplement to keep your symptoms under control. Therefore, we recommend that you include them in your breakfasts and discover how good they are for maintaining your well-being.

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