Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Apricot

The apricot is a fruit that stands out, above all, for its high content of antioxidants. For this reason, it is considered a very useful fruit to maintain beauty and youth, as well as to fill us with vitality in a few bites.

Discover in this article all the properties of this fruit, as well as some applications and curiosities. We also share the different ways we have to consume it: natural, compote, marmalade or dehydrated. 


The apricot or apricot (Prunus armeniaca) is a fruit native to China that today is mainly produced in Turkey. Its excellent nutritional values ​​include beta-carotenes or vitamin A (orange pigments), and minerals such as iron or potassium. It is also very rich in sugars and fiber.

We recommend always consuming organic apricots, as they tend to contain many pesticides and other chemicals on their skin. On the other hand, if it is organic fruit, we can eat it without problems, since it is rich in nutrients.

The people of the Hunza

The Hunza are a very popular Himalayan people whose indigenous people are famous for their longevity and quality of life. Their diet, which is vegetarian, includes apricots, both fresh and dried , in a very special place.

However, it should be noted that certain factors such as lack of stress and pollution are also decisive in their good health. All of this has a very positive impact on their quality of life.

This fruit is therefore consumed throughout the year. It is common for families to have their own apricot trees, which are a sign of great wealth. In addition to eating the fruit, a very precious oil is extracted from its seed that is used for cooking, for lamps and for skin care.


Health benefits

The apricot has the following health benefits:

  • Thanks to its richness in beta-carotenes, this fruit has a high antioxidant power. In this way, we can prevent cellular aging caused by free radicals.
  • Antioxidants are also the best way to prevent degenerative diseases, as stated in a study published in Molecules .
  • It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce many aches and pains.
  • It prevents many diseases of the eye, such as retinal degeneration, night blindness or loss of vision. This is due to its vitamin A content. There is evidence that this nutrient is essential in preventing macular degeneration.
  • Its high iron content, especially in dried apricots, make it an excellent remedy for iron deficiency anemia.
  • It contains potassium, so they fight fluid retention that causes swelling and enemas in the body. At the same time, they reduce high blood pressure.
  • It favors a good bowel movement and prevents constipation.
  • Thanks to its sugar and fiber content, it is a healthy solution to avoid the craving for sweets. With 3 apricots we will be able to calm hunger.
  • Reduces the tendency to suffer leg cramps.
  • Balances the nervous system and calms states of stress and anxiety.
  • Regulates high blood cholesterol levels.

Other uses

dried apricot

In addition to its health properties, other uses and applications of this fruit stand out:

  • Apricot kernel oil is very beneficial for the skin, similar to almond oil.
  • The seed of this fruit is high in vitamin A. Thanks to this antioxidant, it is used in the treatment of some eye or intestinal disorders, as well as an ingredient in many natural cosmetics.
  • A famous Italian liqueur known as amaretto is made with the apricot kernel .

However, we must emphasize that the apricot kernel has toxic components, so it cannot be consumed. On the other hand, we should always eat ripe apricots to avoid indigestion.

How do we eat it?

  • Natural:  The apricot is appetizing and easy to eat anytime, anywhere. However, we can also add it to our regular shakes to give it its characteristic and delicious sweet and slightly acidic flavor.
  • In compote or jam:  We can cook the apricots with a little water and sugar to obtain a delicious compote or jam with which to accompany toast, yogurt and sponge cakes.
  • Dried apricots: Dried  apricots, also known as dried apricots, are a superfood rich in nutrients, sugars and fiber. They provide a lot of energy, so they are ideal for children, athletes, etc. Overweight people should moderate their consumption.

    Include apricot in the diet

    As you have seen, this fruit has several health benefits, so its consumption is recommended. It is positive to include it in snacks such as a snack, in this way the contribution of nutrients and antioxidants necessary to guarantee the proper functioning of the body will be completed. At the same time it will help prevent aging.

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