Decorating As A Family: Benefits For You And Yours

Decorating as a family can be very beneficial. For what reason? The family is the first environment in which children find their main learning base and refuge for their development. However, both the concept and the functions of this institution have constantly changed over time. This has been due to economic, social and cultural factors.

Still, the family remains a platform for socialization and the construction of identity and self-esteem. One way to strengthen ties at home is to do a project. Decoration is precisely a common activity in which everyone can participate and contribute to achieve a goal.

Although it may seem trivial, involving the family in all kinds of activities will not only strengthen the bonds. It will help teach teamwork and they will feel that they are part of family decisions.

A united, dynamic family atmosphere that encourages communication and participation through activities and opinions is, without a doubt, a vital meeting space.

What is decoration

Decoration is the task of embellishing or adorning something. This includes combining ornaments and objects. In fact, decorating as a family is part of leisure and recreation activities.

Generally, the decoration focuses on the beautification of interior spaces so that they have a pleasant and functional atmosphere. Actually, the decoration of a house says a lot about the family and its dynamics.

However, despite the fact that the decoration focuses on the home, it can be an activity applicable to almost any area of ​​family life.

For example, you can decorate the table, clothes, rooms; decorate the kitchen dishes, arrange the furniture in the house, make gift cards on special dates; decorate the home at party time, among many other options.

The benefits of decoration

Man and woman carrying boxes.

Decorating can produce numerous benefits. On the one hand, the decoration involves the playful experience in learning.

Through play, aspects of creative, innovative and abstract thinking are strengthened. Likewise, problem-solving, communication and cooperation skills are also developed.

The decoration activities have a playful function. But it is also that they can help improve different aspects of human life on a physical, emotional, functional, social and psychological level.

For example, in the physical aspect, the decoration allows people to work with their hands, mainly. As a result, precision and detail manual skills are developed.

At a functional level, the work that is carried out with the hands encourages creativity. In addition, it also helps streamline the decision-making process and completion of daily tasks.

Decorating as a family: more than a procedure

In the psychological aspect, concentration, attention, memory and mental order for the execution of tasks are improved, as well as the sense of alertness.

On the emotional level, self-confidence, satisfaction and self-esteem are promoted. This is due to the closure of the project cycle that was originally planned.

Also, in the social aspect, teamwork is favored. It also helps the development of communication skills for the organization. In addition, the sense of belonging in the group is fostered.

As you can see, decorating as a family involves a lot of individual aspects and benefits. These help children and adults to develop skills and maintain their physical and mental capacity. However, this utility is multiplied when it is done as a family.

The effect of decorating as a family

Family playing with the ball.

Children enjoy playing with their parents. In fact, those moments are deeply etched in his memory. According to the book Learning together, growing as a family , there are many benefits of shared leisure as a family.

Among them are that it favors good mental health, facilitates socialization and enriches emotional ties in the family. In addition, it promotes individual growth and development. You can also work with social values ​​and prevent social, physical and psychological problems, among others.

However, due to the multiple occupations of parents, family entertainment moments are often very rare. Therefore, it  is essential to plan play sessions between parents and children.

Fortunately, today there are several manuals on the internet that share activities to do as a family. We can find everything from the construction of objects such as lamps or garlands with family photographs, to hand-painted decorative murals.

Not only that, you can also propose in each creative cycle to handle different types of materials. These can be metal, glass, plastic, wood, paper, fabric, etc.

We can also teach how to reuse disused objects. You can find activities in the book So easy. Crafts and home decoration  where projects are shared to decorate as a family. You will find the link in the bibliography.

Now you know why it is important to decorate as a family. We hope that you decide to schedule and dedicate the time necessary to live together and carry out decorative projects. Not only your children will benefit, so will you and the whole family. Thus, they will be happier and their relationship closer.

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