Cream Cheese And Lemon Cake

The lemon cream cheese cake is made in a very similar way to the traditional vanilla cake, but these two ingredients are added to make it have a somewhat creamy consistency and a touch of citrus.

In Better with Health we have shared many recipes for biscuits, cakes and cakes to which we now add this fluffy cake.

If you are a lemon cake lover , you are sure to add this lemon cream cheese cake to your list of favorite desserts. In addition, it is a summer snack, perfect to accompany a generous scoop of ice cream.

Lemon cream cheese cake


  • 185 g of cream cheese type Philadelphia
  • 185 g butter at room temperature
  • 3 large eggs
  • 300g sugar
  • 250 g of pastry flour
  • Half a teaspoon of yeast
  • Lemon zest
  • Lemon essence (optional)

For the frosting

  • 50 g of firm natural yogurt
  • Powdered sugar
  • 50 g cream cheese
  • Lemon and zest essence

Lemon cake


  • Two containers
  • An electric or manual mixer
  • A 20-centimeter-diameter baking sheet
  • A sieve
  • Scale or measuring cups.


  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Add the cream cheese to the bowl and begin to mix it together with the butter and lemon zest, using an electric mixer on high speed for 3 minutes.
  • Pour in the sugar little by little until the mixture has a fluffy consistency. Keep the mixer at full speed.
  • In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Reserve the yolks.
  • Then, add both the whites and the yolks to the cream cheese and lemon preparation.
  • Now, add the sifted flour along with the yeast. Continue beating until all the ingredients are united.
  • Lastly, add drops of lemon essence.
  • Place a little butter and then flour on the walls and base of the mold to grease it and prevent the cake from sticking.
  • Pour the mixture into the mold and bake for 45 minutes or until the wand with which we prick comes out clean to verify its cooking. Remember that the oven time varies depending on the power of the equipment.
  • Let stand and then unmold.
  • Decorate with the yogurt glaze that is prepared by combining  the yogurt, sugar and cream cheese.
  • If you like it, you can serve it with a nice piece of ice cream to combat heat waves or a cup of coffee.

Data of interest

Lemon Cupcakes

  • Difficulty level: Intermediate
  • Preparation time : One hour and 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 12

Before you start making the lemon cream cheese cake, prepare a good mise en place . That is, the arrangement of the ingredients in the quantities to use. This way you facilitate the work.

If you want to make cupcakes or muffins, this recipe will work just as well.

It is always advisable to work with the ingredients at room temperature. If you opt for another citrus such as orange or tangerine, you will still get a delicious cake. You can also add nuts to the mix.

You can substitute the essence for lemon juice. On the other hand, a good substitute for cream cheese is mascarpone cheese.

Also, the dark chocolate frosting works very well on this citrus cake. A lemon frosting is also a filling and decorating idea. To do this you need egg whites with powdered sugar and lemon essence.

Likewise, you can add a red fruit jam as a filling , which is very good because of the contrast between citrus fruits and the fairly marked sweetness of the jam. Also the one with figs is perfect.

There is no one who denies the benefits of lemon. It is a fruit with a high content of vitamin C, so its consumption is highly recommended.

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