Cosmetic Uses Of Flax

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that, in addition to being beneficial for our body, would help us to hydrate both the skin and nails and hair

Popular belief indicates that flax seeds would be a treasure for our beauty, is this really so? In this article, we will tell you about the cosmetic uses of flax seeds and flax oil. What are you waiting to continue reading?

How do we consume it?

On some occasions, natural medicine specialists recommend taking flax in the form of seed or oil to relieve some discomforts such as constipation.

In general, it is believed that with the oil its components are assimilated faster. It is important to pay special attention to its conservation: always keep it in the refrigerator and in a dark and tightly closed bottle, so that it does not get rancid. In addition, it is recommended to always buy the oil that is cold first pressure, to be able to be ecological.

On the other hand, we can consume the seeds, which must be ground in order to digest and assimilate them. If what we want is to take it for constipation and gastric conditions, we should soak them overnight and take them with water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Beyond the fact that flax is used to alleviate the symptoms of constipation, some of its properties would make it interesting for its cosmetic application, which is what we are really interested in in this article. Let’s discover them.

What are its main properties?

Omega 3 Source

Foods rich in omega 3.

According to data from the US Department of Agriculture , flax seeds are plant sources of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3. This substance is very necessary since our body is not capable of manufacturing it. For this reason, its inclusion in the diet is usually recommended.

Omega 3 as a component of phospholipics forms the structures of cell membranes, also provides energy and would have various functions at the cardiovascular, pulmonary, immune and endocrine levels, according to an article published in the National Institutes of Health .

On the other hand, omega 3 intake is important during pregnancy as it would decrease the risk of maternal depression and premature delivery, as well as the risk of asthma and allergy in the baby.

At the cosmetic level, different studies have pointed out the possible benefits of omega 3 as an anti-inflammatory and nutritive for the skin, hair and nails. In fact, an article published in Agro Food Ind Hi Tech notes that omega 3 would help reduce inflammation caused by diseases such as psoriasis .

In addition, flax also contains vitamin E, mucilage, protein, fiber and iodine, among other components.

digiyesic linen

A nourishing oil

As we have said, the Omega 3 content would help to care for and hydrate our skin, hair and nails, and for that reason, in addition to consuming it, we could apply it topically. It does not have a too greasy texture, so we can use it on all skin types.

It is usually recommended especially for the skin, for the ends of the hair that tend to break and split and to strengthen the nails. Some people also use the oil on the eyelashes, but when treating the eye with such a delicate area, we advise consulting with the doctor before proceeding with this advice.

The Style PA eyelashes

Linen oil for massages

Note : The Chilean Ministry of Health recommends avoiding the use of flax oil by pregnant women. Please consult your doctor before preparing it.

Flax oil, due to its properties and its texture, would be interesting to use in body, hand and hair massages. In addition, we could enhance its benefits by mixing it with a few drops of essential oils. For example:

  • Lavender : a 2013 study points to its revitalizing, mood stabilizing and relaxing effects.
  • Orange : it is attributed antidepressant properties
  • Lemon – An ancient widespread research on essential oils has concluded that it would relieve stress. New studies are needed in this regard.
  • Mint : for its famous cooling effect

The ratio would be 10 drops of essential oil for every 50 ml of flax oil. We recommend slightly heating the oil before doing the massage.

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