Chocolate Cheesecake

Cheesecake, or cheesecake, is a dessert made from cottage cheese or cream cheese, sugar and other ingredients typical of cakes. However, this recipe is characterized by its smoothness and texture, but don’t worry, fortunately it is very easy to make.

You should bear in mind that the preparations in which they result in the creamy texture of the cream cheese cake are so varied, including products such as ice cream, yogurt, brownies and cookies.


  • 15 g cocoa powder
  • 50 g of chocolate
  • 1 yumbo egg
  • 110 ml of water
  • 150 grams of white sugar
  • 65 grams of butter
  • 80 grams of flour
  • 10 g baking powder
  • 150 g cream cheese
  • 15 ml of vanilla essence
  • 50 g icing sugar
  • 5 g of salt



  • Ingredient containers
  • Pot to melt the chocolate
  • Deep mixing bowl
  • Blender
  • Round mold 20 cm in diameter
  • Rack
  • Spatula



  • First, in a deep pot, heat the water and dissolve the cocoa powder. Mix everything until lukewarm and let it rest.
  • Then, in a separate container put the butter and sugar, beat with the mixer until a creamy mixture is formed and the sugar is well incorporated.
  • Add the egg to the ointment and stir until it is consistent.
  • Then add the vanilla essence.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Separately, sift the flour, salt and baking powder into a bowl.
  • Incorporate them into the mixture that you have made previously, beating very well until there are no lumps.
  • Add the cocoa that you have dissolved in the warm water and beat until the mixture is completely incorporated.
  • Flour a 20 cm diameter mold and pour the mixture into it.
  • Finally, h ornea for 30 minutes at 180 ° C. To see if the cake is ready, you can do the test of the knife.


    • To start, while you wait for your cake to be,  dissolve the chocolate in a double boiler.
    • At the same time, add 20 grams of butter and mix it very well.
    • Now add the cream cheese and icing sugar, mixing until you get a cream.
    • Take your mixture to the fridge, this will serve as a filling and decoration.
    • When your cake is ready, you can remove it from the oven.
    • Let it cool for fifteen minutes in the mold, then proceed to unmold and let it cool completely, preferably on a wire rack.
    • Once it has cooled,  cut the cake in half being careful not to crumble.
    • Next, add a good amount of the filling that you had in the fridge to the inside of one of the halves. It is better if you start in the center and spread with a spatula.
    • Then join the two halves carefully and cover the entire outside with the mixture, making sure that it is well covered.
    • Finally, you can bring the cake to the table immediately or let it cool until you are ready to serve it.


      Additional facts about cheesecake

      •  You can actually replace white sugar with icing sugar, which dissolves faster with the ingredients and therefore requires less work. But you should also keep in mind that it sweetens something less.
      • It is also important that the eggs are at room temperature.
      • Another option to melt the butter is the microwave, and then wait for it to cool.
      • Without a doubt, the size of the mold should not be very large -or not 20 × 20cm will be ok otherwise you will have to prepare double the ingredients.
      • Of course you can put the chocolate and cheese mixture just as a decoration, so you will not have the need to cut the cake in two.
      • Anyway, to give it an extra touch, you can add some cherries to make the decoration more beautiful.
      • Lastly, it is important to let the cake cool in the mold, otherwise it will deform.

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