Can Medicinal Plants Help Us To Stop Smoking?

Are you still in the unhealthy habit of tobacco? Think that quitting smoking is possibly one of the best decisions you can make right now. 

We know that it is complicated and that it requires effort, but we assure you that you will gain not only in quality of life, but also in years and time to enjoy. Your willpower and the following medicinal plants can help you.

Stop smoking with the help of medicinal plants

We have to make it clear at first. There is no magic bullet or infallible formula that allows us to easily make the urge to smoke disappear.

Medicinal plants can help you, without a doubt, and they do it above all to allow us to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome. But quitting smoking is a great challenge and you will need all your will to do it successfully.

As stated by Smokefree, the website created by the National Cancer Institute to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco, quitting smoking is to gain health and years of life. It also means letting go of problems like craving for smoking. 

We advise you to know the following medicinal plants, which can help you alleviate the withdrawal syndrome and the anxiety that accompanies it. Keep in mind that none of them can and should not replace the treatment indicated by a health professional.

1. The infusion of passionflower

passionflower to calm nerves and anxiety

This plant can be found in pharmacies and natural stores. It is recommended for its relaxing and anxiolytic properties, the foundations of which are not precisely known so far. However, they allow us to sleep more easily and greatly alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

Traditional medicine recommends consuming a cup before going to sleep. This can contribute to a more restful sleep and a calmer awakening. During the night, withdrawal can be made worse by lack of distractions.

For the infusion of passionflower, you will need its leaves and fruits. A teaspoon per cup in hot or boiling water will suffice for it to infuse properly. Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes.

2. Licorice infusion

This medicinal plant has years and years of healing tradition, although many times its properties are unnecessarily extolled. Its flavor like acidic lemon and something spicy has many properties for the body. Some are the improvement of digestion or its anti-inflammatory effect.

According to popular beliefs, ginger would help us eliminate the urge to smoke. To do this, you can make two infusions a day or buy its root and grate it whenever you need it. Since there is no proven direct connection between its properties and abstinence, it is best to consult the professional about the convenience or not of its consumption.

4. Noni

Noni may not be so well known to you anymore, but it is a medicinal plant with a long history and to which it has been given different uses.

All of the noni can be used, both its fruits and its leaves. There are studies that prove the effectiveness of its compounds to alleviate symptoms in people who suffer from anxiety. Therefore, it could be effective against tobacco withdrawal.

In short, although the will is necessary, there are natural remedies that can help you better cope with quitting smoking. Remember that, beyond its use, it is best to consult a professional to prescribe the appropriate treatment. The doctor’s recommendations can in no way be substituted for these natural ingredients.

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