Avoid Flaccidity Easily

In addition to practicing physical exercise to strengthen muscles and prevent flaccidity, if we later shower with cold water, we could help strengthen the skin and achieve greater tone.

Sagging skin is a common sign in both men and women. It can occur in many parts of the body, such as the face, neck, eyelids, chin, arms, legs, and buttocks. In general, it is caused by aging, excessive weight loss, or leading a sedentary life.

However, for the skin to remain firm and healthy, it is necessary to give it adequate care, so that the tissues are firmed and the muscles tone.

Although it is not possible to slow down the passage of time, this time we will talk about some simple tactics so that, without altering your daily routine much, you can take care of your skin and try to reduce those sagging marks.

Tips to prevent sagging

Apple and melon

A very common combination to try to improve flaccidity is the use of apple and melon. However, there is still no research that has proven its effects.

You can mix ½ glass of apple juice with 1/2 glass of melon juice. Then, pour some into your hands and rub it over your arms, massaging the areas that show flaccidity. It can be applied as many times as you want, unless you notice an allergy or type of negative reaction.

It is believed that the apple could serve to hydrate the skin and would also be used as an exfoliator. For its part, melon could also tone the skin to try to prevent sagging. In addition, according to a study, the topical application of melon concentrate could be a useful strategy for photoprotection due to its antioxidant properties.

However, as we have discussed, more research is needed to verify its effects. In addition, its application should be consulted with a dermatologist, especially in the case of presenting a skin problem.

aloe vera

Aloe vera is known for its many benefits for the skin. Now, to try to prevent flaccidity, you can extract the gel that is in the inner part of the leaf and rub it gently over the skin with circular movements.

The malic acid in aloe vera gel is believed to help improve skin elasticity and get rid of sagging skin. In addition, it has a moisturizing effect on the skin.

Olive oil

With olive oil you can make a mask to try to give your skin a better appearance. Some studies in mice have shown that topical application of olive oil could have anti-inflammatory effects, reduce oxidative damage, and promote skin rebuilding. Olive oil would help improve the appearance of the skin and tone it.

Brush your body

Although it is not very common to brush your body, with a natural bristle brush before showering you can exfoliate the skin and help your circulatory system perform a better function. With this, you  help increase collagen and elastin.

Take a shower with cold water

Tips to avoid flaccidity: bath with cold water
Although hot water is sometimes relaxing and preferred by many, taking a cold bath may have benefits for your skin. Well, it is believed that it could help to tone it and relax the muscles.

Eat the right foods

For a better result, we recommend that you visit a nutritionist who will tell you which is the ideal diet for you. However, there are foods that are believed to have anti-aging properties. Others, on the contrary, make your skin look dry and worn.

This study carried out by the Mediestetic Clinic in Toledo explains the possible relationship between food and the beauty of the skin.

The foods that are recommended to consume are:

  • Eggs
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lentils
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Cheese
  • Yoghurt
  • Enough water.

On the other hand, the foods that should be avoided are:

  • Processed food
  • Sweet
  • Refreshments
  • Alcoholic drinks

Practice swimming to prevent sagging

Tips to avoid flaccidity: swimming
As already mentioned, cold water could have benefits for the body. Swimming can help you fight sagging by keeping your legs strong and firm.

do exercise

If you do not exercise, it is very difficult for you to get firm skin. Therefore, it is essential that you establish an exercise routine at least three times a week. Next, we will show some practical and easy exercises to carry out:

  • Stand up and spread your legs, bend your knees a little. Next, tilt the pelvis forward and with dumbbells or water bottles, leave the arms in a position where the elbows are close to the waist and bend them, bringing the hands towards the shoulders. Repeat this daily for about 15 minutes, with short breaks between reps.

Exercises to improve flaccidity

  • In the same position as in the previous exercise, hold a rubber ball with your hands and press down on the legs with slight jumps. This stimulates blood circulation and tones the muscles. Repeat it daily for 10 minutes with breaks according to your resistance and comfort.

Exercises to improve flaccidity

For a routine designed to tone the areas you need, it is advisable to go to a gym so that the specialist will indicate exactly the exercises and times for your training.

It is also important that you follow some general recommendations:

  • Avoid bad posture. Like walking hunched over or with your head facing the ground.
  • Avoid spending a lot of time in the sun.  If for some reason it is unavoidable, try to use a sunscreen daily.
  • Be careful with the diets you do. Many people are obsessed with losing weight, but remember that it is important to follow a balanced and complete diet, with quality foods and from all groups.

    As we discussed at the beginning, there is nothing we can do to stop the passage of time. However, with a good diet, some homemade recipes, and a brief but constant exercise routine, you could contribute to firmer skin.

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