A Trick To Knit A Scarf With A Box

In this article we bring you a trick to knit a scarf, even if you are totally inexperienced. Many remember with nostalgia that warm hand-woven scarf that grandmothers made for winter days. Her weaving skills impressed us. However, very few cared to learn this art and, year after year, the tradition was lost, until it was almost forgotten.

Since it is good to recover this old custom, today we want to propose a special technique for knitting a scarf with a box. Although it usually seems complicated to us because it involves investing some time, the experience is very fun and can serve as a relaxation technique. It consists of using a box as a tool, to facilitate the weaving process and avoid the complexity of the needles.

How to knit a scarf over a box

A trick to knit a scarf out of a box

To make this scarf you can choose the threads to your liking: wool or synthetic. You can also use several colors and make the combinations you want.

Materials to knit a scarf

  • 2 empty tissue boxes
  • 1 scissors
  • Threads to knit (to taste)
  • Scotch tape

Step 1 to knit a scarf

The first thing to do is cut out the boxes. Cut out the box, about 3 cm apart. The depth of the incisions should reach 2 cm. Cut out “teeth” as shown in the video. The corners of the box must be kept intact.

Step 2

On one of the outer sides of the box, secure the strands with some masking tape. Now, start by outlining each “tooth” of the box with the strand, moving it along the perimeter of the box.

Step 3

Follow each of the instructions shown in the video to make all the weaving. Try to be very attentive so as not to get confused. Keep knitting until you get the desired length of the garment.

Step 4 to knit a scarf

You will have to extract the scarf through the hole in the box at the bottom. Once you’re done, fix the strand so it doesn’t unravel.

Other tips for easy knitting

To knit

It would take many years of practice to become as good knitters as some veterans. However, as the idea is to learn and make the experience rewarding, we can apply several recommendations so as not to have to complicate ourselves too much.

Knit frequently

It sounds obvious enough, but the most effective way to learn to knit is simply by knitting. Practice is what will make fabrics more and more perfect and easy to make. Regardless of the type of technique you choose, the more you apply it, the faster you will increase your speed. Don’t think so much about what you are doing as that will slow down your skills and waste more time.

Choose a technique for fast knitting

The box technique is a lot of fun for those who have never had experience with needles. However, depending on the cultural traditions of each region, there are other quick and easy methods that can be useful for this task.

For example, the continental technique is reputed to be one of the fastest. In fact, it is the one used by the Dutch knitter Miriam Tegels, who holds the Guinness Record for the fastest knitter in the world, with 118 stitches knitted in one minute.

Take care of your hands


The art of knitting is not usually very skin-friendly. Some have dryness and others develop irritation and weakness in the nails. As the hands are our main tool for the tissue, it is very important to provide them with hydration and all kinds of special care. Choose a product suitable for your skin type, and use it before and after handling the wool.

To finish: Try to economize your movements

Finally, if you look at the techniques used by professional knitters, you will notice that many limit movements when working. Therefore, they do only what is necessary to hook the stitches. This allows them to optimize time without their hands feeling tired or sore.

Being able to develop this skill will increase your productivity and allow you to produce more parts than you thought. Do you know more tricks to knit easily? We invite you to share your experiences with us.

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