A Group Of Artists Return Femininity To These Women

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.38 million new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women each year.

However, this disease has greatly reduced its mortality rates. An early diagnosis, added to increasingly innovative treatments, gradually increase life expectancy.

However, breast cancer leaves sequelae. It produces a psychological, emotional and, of course, physical impact.

The simple or radical mastectomy, for example, forces the woman to have to assume a new body, and wounds that are difficult to assimilate.

Because losing breasts, or undergoing a mastectomy where the nipple and areola are removed, is a challenge that many patients must face.

Now, initiatives such as “Breast Cancer Solidarity Tattoo” offer these brave women the power to regain their femininity.

We explain how.

Being a woman and regain self-esteem thanks to a very special tattoo

woman chest tattoo

There are people who are not very given to tattoos, to leave a drawing printed on their skin that will accompany them for life. However, regardless of whether we like it or not, there are many stories that reveal how a simple tattoo can help us in cases like the one we are now explaining to you.

Estefanía M. recently overcame breast cancer. After undergoing a mastectomy, he underwent reconstruction.

However, with breast reconstruction there is a complex aspect that usually does not have a good response: the nipples.

It is common for a “coloring” to be performed. It is a technique similar to a tattoo that, unfortunately, is carried out in very few hospitals or medical clinics. In addition, there is another factor that must be taken into account: it is not permanent.

A few years ago, Jero Velasco, a tattoo artist from Collado Villalba (Madrid) launched his new project on social networks: he offered his services and his center to tattoo “nipples” for free to those women who needed it. 

Thanks to this initiative, Estefanía M. already has two beautiful breasts. As an anecdote, she explained that this summer, while she was on the beach, her daughter told her the following: “Mom, your bikini has fallen off, cover yourself because you can see a tit.”

It may seem like a simple thing, but this phrase made her immensely happy. “I had boobs again.”

A very special tattoo

nipple tattoos

Cancer patients who have undergone a mastectomy know that it is not just any tattoo. A nipple, the areola … It is part of a woman’s femininity.

It does not matter that no one sees it and that it remains in the privacy of the woman and her partner. It is a precious and delicate corner that makes up the female body. Losing it, experiencing the removal of one or two breasts is, whether we like it or not, something traumatic and delicate.

  • Jero Velasco, this tattoo artist, knows it well. Hence, I take maximum care of the mixture of colors.
  • Orange and brown tones make up the texture of the areola and the nipple. Thus, he manages to restore self-esteem to these women who undoubtedly deserve everything.
  • We cannot forget that after the reconstruction of the breasts, the woman finds two masses of flesh that are not very reminiscent of real breasts.

The perfect shape is achieved so that the clothes look good, but something is missing …

Indeed, in private, the absence of the nipple continues to be the focus of low self-esteem for many women (not all, since, as we know, each person faces these realities in a particular way).

Surgeons and tattooists


It is a joint work. For these women to fully recover the image of a perfect breast , the work of a surgeon and a tattoo artist is needed.

  • While this supportive artist carries out his delicate task, it is almost impossible not to ask, not to become sensitive to each personal story of these women. Examples of improvement that offer so much hope.
  • As Jero Velasco himself explains, this type of tattoo is usually carried out in private clinics. On average, they  usually cost between 300 and 400 euros per breast. It is an abuse.
  • These prices should not reach similar figures, taking into account the personal reality of each woman. Many of them have already had to bear the cost, for example, of wigs.
  • These are details that are intended to restore not only dignity to women. Because losing your hair and breasts is like erasing with a stroke what makes up femininity.

Although beautiful they will always be in our eyes.

However, each person’s private reality is unique and exceptional. There are those who, indeed, suffer enormously from the sequelae left by cancer.

Thus, solidarity ideas like those of this tattoo artist fill us with joy.

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