Beet Diet

It is said that one of the most effective ways to lose weight in a healthy and natural way is to lose weight on the beetroot diet. What is true in here? Let’s find out below.

Beets contain a moderate caloric value and, in turn, a high fiber content. In this way, it would provide a feeling of satiety that would limit the consumption of other foods that could make us fat. Do you want to know its properties and the type of diet you can follow? Go ahead, we’ll explain it to you.

Nutritional properties

Beet salad

Beetroot is a tasty food, with interesting nutritional properties. It is an energetic vegetable that is usually recommended in cases of anemia, blood diseases and convalescence, as well as for children and pregnant women.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, it has an interesting content of iron, carotenes, folates and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6. To graph it with an example, in the case of consuming a cup of cooked beet (approx. 250 grams), you would be ingesting the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 31 kcal.
  • Protein: 1.5 gr.
  • Carbohydrates: 8.5 gr.
  • Dietary fiber: 1.5 gr.
  • Potassium: 259 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 32 mg.
  • Folate: 53.2 mg.
  • Vitamin A: 58.5 IU (international units).

How to choose and keep it?

Beets can be found fresh in supermarkets and are usually sold in bunches. It is better that you choose those that are firm, round, without spots and with a very intense red color. Also take bunches that have very green leaves – it is fresher – and that have the same roots so that when cooking they do so in a uniform way.

On the contrary, avoid those with an elongated shape and flaky skin on the top because they can be harder, fibrous and have a strong flavor.

As for their storage, keep the beets fresh in the refrigerator, inside a plastic bag ; they last two to three weeks like this.

The beet leaves, separately, must also be kept in a plastic bag and not washed. In this way and in refrigeration, they can keep from three to five days. Never freeze raw beets, because they become mushy when defrosted.

How to prepare it?


Beetroot is a vegetable that can be eaten raw, boiled or canned. Its main use is in salads, although it can also be eaten alone, with garlic or onion and dressed with a little oil, salt and vinegar.

If you want to eat it raw, you can grate it and dress it with a little oil and lemon. On the other hand, if you consume it cooked, it will be easier to digest.

To do this, put them in boiling salty water without having previously peeled them so that they do not lose their color and flavor. They must be boiled for at least an hour; then you can easily remove the skin.

Another alternative is to eat roasted beets. You just have to put them in the oven and do not take them out until they are tender. Cooked in this way, beets retain all their properties almost intact.

How to lose weight with the beetroot diet

Remember that before making any fundamental change in your diet, including starting a diet, you should consult with your doctor. No one better than him will be able to advise you on what is best for your health according to your age, physical condition and nutritional needs.

Although there is no specific scientific research on the action of beets to lose weight, it is believed that the fiber present in this vegetable would help reduce the intake of other foods, generating satiety.

In general, it is not recommended to follow this diet for more than 10 days in a row. Also, during that time, you should drink at least two liters of water a day.

 Beet juice to lose weight

This juice will provide you with a set of essential nutrients for your body, in addition to generating a satiating sensation in the stomach, thanks to the fiber it contains. It is believed that it would help reduce your cravings if you eat it before meals.

 Ingredients: 6 beets, 10 carrots, 10 oranges.

 Preparation: Beat all the ingredients in the blender; then store in a covered container in the fridge.

Beetroot diet menu

Here is an example of a menu that we could follow to lose weight with the beetroot diet. Once again, we clarify that medical consultation is more than advisable to prevent possible side effects.


Beet and apple smoothie

On an empty stomach and one hour before your breakfast, eat the juice of one lemon. Later, have a cup of tea or coffee with skim milk, a toast of whole wheat bread with lean cheese or a diet yogurt with a tablespoon of bran and an apple.


  • A large glass of beet juice.
  • Salad: Cucumber, tomato, spinach, lettuce and a few pieces of walnuts; it can be seasoned with oil.
  • Rice cooked with chicken in the oven without skin ; another option is baked fish.
  • 1 orange


  • A large glass of beet juice.
  • Vegetable soup and a baked aubergine.
  • 1 apple or 1 slice of watermelon or cantaloupe.

Of course, this type of diet can have variations, which also include other presentations of beets, such as salads or baked. Ultimately, losing weight with the beetroot diet would be viable only if you lead a healthy lifestyle, with regular physical activity and adequate rest.

We insist: if you want to try the beetroot diet to lose weight, make an appointment with your doctor. Tell him about your wishes to get rid of those extra kilos that bother you so much by carrying out this change in your diet and listen to his proposals.

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