The Graviola Or Soursop, One Of The Sweetest Fruits

Soursop or graviola is a fleshy tropical fruit with a sweet taste that, in Caribbean and South American countries, is consumed mainly in the form of juice, although it can also be found in other types of preparations, such as puddings, ice cream, gelatin, puddings, etc.

The vast majority of varieties are found in Colombia, therefore, it is considered that this fruit may have its origin there. However, there are authors who argue that perhaps its true origin is Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic or Cuba.

Regardless of its origin, the truth is that it is a very common food in the Caribbean area and that it can be enjoyed in various ways. Now, when consumed in juice, how could it be combined?

The graviola, a fruit to enjoy the sweet

Soursop fruit on the tree.

Graviola or soursop juice is usually prepared only with this fruit, without even adding sugar, since the fruit is already sweet enough. However, sometimes there are those who mix the pulp of the fruit with other ingredients, to enjoy a different drink.

Graviola can be mixed with other fruits with a less sweet taste (like a green apple, for example), since otherwise, it would be a cloying mixture.

  • In general, citrus fruits tend to combine very well with soursop. Oranges are one of the most popular when making all kinds of drinks: from juices to cocktails.
  • Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are another good option for making mixed drinks. 
  • Fruits that are recommended to avoid when using graviola: banana, papaya, melon, guava (since they are too sweet). However, in the end everything will depend on the taste of each person.
  • Chia, flax, and hemp seeds can be added to graviola drinks. 
  • And in case of using nuts, such as peanuts or almonds, it is recommended to crush them before adding them to the drink.

Can it be combined with dairy?

Regarding the use of dairy products of animal origin, there are those who choose to use the skim and skim format to make smoothies with this fruit (which are usually quite sweet). And, on the other hand, there are those who prefer to use vegetable milks, such as oatmeal or coconut, to give it a touch, to avoid overdoing the sweetness.

Note: most drinks are made with ice to keep them cool.

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Does graviola have medicinal uses?

In the popular sphere there are some natural remedies, prepared from some of the parts of the graviola plant (mainly the leaves) since it is believed that it would help prevent the flu, keep blood pressure stable and strengthen bone health, among other properties. However, it has not been scientifically proven that its consumption can help maintain or improve health. 

Therefore, if we want to consume graviola or soursop, we must do it within a balanced diet, never as a miraculous food that will prevent or cure diseases.

If you have any questions regarding your health, it is best to consult your doctor and follow his instructions. It is not advisable to resort to natural remedies without having discussed it with the professional. 

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