The Properties Of Ginger And Its Possible Uses

It is believed that ginger may have a beneficial effect on digestive conditions. It stimulates the production of gastric juices and, if taken after meals, it could help reduce bloating and nausea.

It is interesting to know the properties of ginger, since it is believed that its use in the kitchen can bring some health benefits. This food, so widespread in traditional Asian gastronomy, has been increasingly introduced into Western foods due to its bitter taste and effect to enhance other flavors.

It is a plant with many nutrients, which are attributed different benefits for the body. We tell you about them below.

A little history about ginger

Ginger is said to have appeared in Southeast Asia more than 3,000 years ago. Its export to Central Asia was carried out in the 5th century BC by the Persian King Darius, who obtained it from Hindu plantations for commercialization in the Middle East.

The first data on the ginger trade are written by Confucius and he tells how the Phoenicians brought it to the Mediterranean. Later, the trade would spread throughout the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

Although its use was relegated to oblivion after the Roman Empire, Marco Polo’s travels exported it to American lands, so now a wild cultivation of this plant can be found in Caribbean islands. Currently, the main exporter of ginger, and of the highest quality, is Jamaica.

Culinary uses of ginger

Among the properties of ginger , its ability to enhance flavor stands out. In Asian cuisine they use it to hide stronger flavors such as seafood and some meats. It is usually used in oriental cuisine as a flavor enhancer in meat, fish, rice dishes, etc. Although many sauces are prepared seasoned with this plant.

In Western cuisine, on the other hand, its dry or powdered use is common, which gives the kitchen a certain exotic aroma, sometimes even spicy, another of the properties of ginger. It is also indicated for sweet dishes, such as cakes, desserts, caramelized fruits, sorbets, etc.

Use of the properties of ginger for therapeutic purposes

Traditionally, ginger has been used for stomach ailments and digestive problems. It stimulates the pancreas, thus generating an increase in the production of enzymes that promote digestion. Some of the remedies that we could associate with ginger are dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea or ulcers.

However, remember that it is advisable to see a doctor when these types of symptoms occur, as they could be due to a serious condition. Once the doctor makes his diagnosis, he will be the one who endorses the use of ginger as a complementary treatment to that prescribed by the professional.

By stimulating gastric juices, ginger can be used as a soothing after meals. It will reduce bloating and nausea. Another of the properties of ginger is its anti-inflammatory character, indicated for rheumatic and muscular problems.

We must also say that its infusion is usually recommended for menstrual cramps, as well as for colds and conditions with mucus.

How to use

As an infusion to prevent pain, for example from menstruation, you just have to heat four or five slices of fresh ginger root (unpeeled), a small spoonful of lemon juice and honey.

  • Put water to cook and when it starts to boil add the ginger slices.
  • Boil for 10-15 minutes until it turns brown.
  • Before taking it add the lemon juice and honey.

Recommendations to take advantage of the properties of ginger

As can be seen, the properties of ginger are very varied and allow it to be applied for multiple purposes, both medicinal and gastronomic. However, despite the number of studies that support its beneficial properties, it is not recommended to treat a disease only with this plant.

Do not forget that it is important to go to the doctor and follow the treatment recommended by him. Ginger can be used as a complementary remedy, as long as the doctor endorses it, as it is necessary to make sure that there will be no interactions with some medications.

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